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Published January 10, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Eugene, Oregon. Working plans call for the renovation of a 60,000-square-foot educational facility; and four-story above grade educational facility.

The owner has selected a Construction Manager. A timeline for construction has not yet been established. The University of Oregon is seeking proposals from qualified Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) firms (Proposers) for the pre-construciton and Construction of 1700 Millrace Interior Renovation Projects. ALL QUESTIONS AND CONTACTS WITH THE UNIVERSITY REGARDING THIS RFP SHOULD BE ADDRESSED VIA E-MAIL TO: Waymon Banks, Owners Representative Office of Design & Construction 1276 University of Oregon Eugene OR 97403-1276 E-mail: waymonb@uoregon.edumailto: The University of Oregon (UO) is an AA/EEO employer and encourages the submittal of responses from Oregon based businesses including women, minority-owned and emerging small business enterprises. Four separate University of Oregon administrative departments will be relocated to the 1700 Millrace building. A separate area will be renovated for a university shared training space on the first floor. The Interior Renovation Projects encompasses tenant improvements and renovations of an approximately 60,000 square-foot on 3 floors of the 4-floor building. A separate area will be renovated for a university shared training space on the first floor. Separate tenants lease and occupy spaces on all four stories of the building. The tenants will be made aware of the upcoming construction projects. Special care will be required by the CM/GC to accommodate access to those spaces and minimize disruption. Any disruption to those spaces including mechanical, electrical or plumbing shutdowns will require a 15-day notice to the University of Oregon. No exterior or landscape improvements are part of the project. Any disruptions to the landscape or surrounding area for construction purposes must be put back to match existing conditions. In accordance with UO Policies and Procedures, the University of Oregon will use the request for proposals (RFP) competitive procurement process to select and enter into a CM/GC Contract with a CM/GC firm. The Project construction service contract will retain a single prime construction firm responsible for the overall pre-construction and construction services for individual department projects, while implementing a construction management process that is most efficient and best serves the university's interest. The University has contracted Soderstrom Architects (Soderstrom) to provide architectural services to assist the university. The overall project will be under a single project with a total of five subprojects, one for each department and one for a university shared training room. Each will be assigned a project number each project will be tracked separately. The CM/GC pre-construction services shall include: Existing condition review and assessment of the 1700 Millrace building and site. 1700 will be occupied during construction, an assessment will need to cover site security, access ways for tenants and contractors, and possible laydown location for material delivery and storage. MEPF Design Build services for renovations related to minor mechanical, electrical, plumbing or fire sprinkler systems related to architectural renovations. Review and assessment of the Design Development documents, including specifications and drawing documents, for each of the five projects. One cost estimate of the Design Development document for each of the five projects. Project may include up to two alternates. Review and assessment of the Construction Documents, including specifications and drawing documents, for each of the five projects. Additionally, there are provisions for adding Construction Phase Services through early work amendments (EWAs) and or a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) by contract amendment. The amendments will include Construction Phase Services through completion of the Work for each of the independent projects. The Owner will evaluate each Proposer's capabilities with respect to the evaluation criteria set forth in Section VIII. Information will be obtained from various sources including information in Proposals and discussions with clients of Proposers and other sources. In order to more fully understand the finalists' relative qualifications, the Owner, at its sole discretion may select two (2) or more finalists to be interviewed by the selection committee. However, the university may opt to make a direct selection from RFP submissions without conducting interviews. When selected, the CM/GC will function as part of a team composed of the Owner, CM/GC and the Architect. This RFP does not commit the Owner to enter into any agreement, to pay any expenses incurred in preparation or delivery of any response to this request, or to procure or contract for any supplies, goods or services. The University reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposal(s) not in compliance with the RFP or if it is in the public interest to do so. The Projects combined construction budget is approximately $1.3 to $1.6 Million. This combined budget includes all five identified individual projects. The Project is funded by UO funds. The budget includes pre-construction, direct construction services. Construction Completion Will vary with each project (no later than March 2024) All questions and contacts with the university regarding this rfp should be addressed via e-mail to: Waymon Banks, Owner's Representative Office of Design & Construction 1276 University of Oregon Eugene OR 97403-1276 E-mail: waymonb@uoregon.edu *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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1700 Millrace Dr, Eugene, OR

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