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Published August 29, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a bridge / tunnel in Woodbridge, New Jersey. Conceptual plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

Design Services for Contract No. T100.740, Bridge Repairs and Resurfacing, Milepost 92 to 122, and the Newark Bay-hudson County Extension (2026) Enclosed herewith is a Multi-project Request for Expressions of Interest ("RFEOI") by the New Jersey Turnpike Authority ("Authority") for professional engineering services required for two (2) Orders for Professional Services Agreements. OPS No. T4069 and OPS No. T4070 field inspection and preparation of contract documents to repair mainline, local road overpasses and interchange ramp bridge decks; replace deck joints; perform resurfacing and complete other miscellaneous structural repairs on Turnpike bridges between Milepost 0 and 122, on the Newark BayHudson County Extension and on the Pearl Harbor Memorial Turnpike Extension and other related work defined in the RFEOIs Scope of Services (see Attachment A). This multi-project solicitation is being procured in accordance with N.J.A.C. 19:9-2.8(b), these Order for Professional Services ("OPS") are considered Simple procurements. It is the Authority's intent to engage the services of two (2) firms through this multi-project solicitation, one for OPS No. T4069 and one for T4070. The Qualified Firms shall convey their understanding of the Authority's needs, scope of work and express their approach and provide staffing estimates for both OPS assignments. (see page 4 consultant selection) The Authority will utilize a Secure File Sharing site ("Kiteworks") to share with and receive information from the Qualified Firms. Access to Kiteworks will be provided to the Qualified Firms via e-mail. Reference materials (preliminary plans, studies, reports, etc.) for this RFEOI will be made available for review in the "Reference Materials" folder. If there are any questions or issues related to Kiteworks, please contact Jennifer Romero via e-mail at jromero@njta.com. The subject line should read "OPS Nos. T4069 and T4070, Kiteworks Information." The scope of work encompasses field inspection and preparation of contract documents to repair mainline, local road overpasses and interchange ramp bridge decks; replace deck joints; perform resurfacing and complete other miscellaneous structural repairs on Turnpike bridges between Milepost 0 and 122, on the Newark Bay-Hudson County Extension and on the Pearl Harbor Memorial Turnpike Extension and other related work defined in the RFEOIs Scope of Services Question Deadline 09/03/2024 Inquiries pertaining to this multi-project RFEOI are to be directed in writing to Sheri L. Malloy, P.E. via e-mail to malloy@njta.com with a copy to Maria Santiago, via email at santiago@njta.com. The subject line should read "OPS Nos. T4069 and T4070 - EOI Inquiry". The Authority will respond to all written inquiries received by the deadline. Each inquiry will be stated, and a written response provided. Responses will be posted on the Authority's website under Doing Business, Current Solicitations on or before Thursday, September 5, 2024. To be considered as eligible and qualified to submit an Expression of Interest ("EOI") for the professional engineering services being solicitated in this multi-project RFEOI, a Firm must be prequalified in the following Profile Codes: A092 Bridges: Miscellaneous Repairs A093 Bridges: Deck Replacements and Rehabilitations A list of Qualified Firms eligible to submit an EOI for the above referenced assignments is attached (See Attachment B (B4)). *Joint Ventures (*Qualified Firms interested in submitting an EOI as a Joint Venture must be prequalified as a Joint Venture with the Authority) that meet all Profile Code requirements are also eligible to submit an EOI. The Authority is seeking participation of Small Business Enterprises (SBEs) as subconsultants to the Successful Qualified Firm ("Firm") that is awarded a contract under this RFEOI. The SBE project goal is 25%. The Authority has also adopted a Disabled Veteran Owned Business ("DVOB") Enterprise Program (the "DVOB Program") pursuant to which the Qualified Successful Firm must make a good faith effort to award at least three (3) percent of the assignment to DVOBs, all as more fully described in this RFEOI. (See Attachment "C", C(C12), "Small Business Enterprise/Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Programs"). The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time. (a) The total projected construction budget for Bridge Repair related work under Turnpike Contract No. T100.740 (2026) is approximately $16.0 million, funded by the Maintenance Reserve Fund. Depending on budget allocations, this amount may fluctuate. For Programming, $8.5M Deck, $2.0M for Deck Replacement, and $5.5M Superstructure and Substructure (b) The total projected construction budget for Bridge Repair related work under Turnpike Contract No. T100.744 (2026) is approximately $16 million funded by the Maintenance Reserve Fund. Depending on budget allocations, this amount may fluctuate. For Programming, $11.0M Deck and $5.0M Superstructure and Substructure.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

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September 10, 2025


Multiple Locations, Woodbridge, NJ

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