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Published February 25, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Cedar Point, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

Region 3 PE EA PE003394 CON EA CON04812 OR42: US101 to Cedar Point Rd Section of the Coos Bay - Roseburg Highway (Rt. No. OR42) beginning in Cedar Point. FAP No. S035(084). Estimated Value: ($ 10,000,000 - $ 20,000,000) Req. Approx. 1,675 Ft2 Temp. Signs; 2 Ea Seq. Arr. Signs; 3 Ea Pcms; 2 Ea Rdr. Spd. Trlr.; 1,300 Hrs Flag.; 5 Ea Flag. Sta. Light.; 120 Hr Pilot Cars; 2 Ea Afad; 174,457 Ft Temp. Striping; 1 Ea Tma; Const. & Rem. Temp. Rd. Bd. & Surf.; 14 Ea Temp. Wtr. Mgmt. Fac.; 2,250 Ft Sed. Barr.; Turb. Mntr.; 243 Ton Contam. Soil Disp.; 178 Ft Rem. Asb. Mtl.; Const. Surv. Wrk.; 956 Ft Asph. Pvmt. Sawcut.; 511 Yd3 Exc.; 9 Yd2 Geot.; 401 Yd3 Tr. Found.; 194 Ft Cipp Liner; 1,306 Ft Vid. Inspect.; 1,591 Ft Pipe; 823 Ft2 Pav. Culv. End Sl.; 5 Ea Conc. M.h.; 11 Ea Conc. Inlets; 1,002 Yd2 Tr. Resurf.; 2,551 Yd2 Br. Dk. Cppr; 121 Yd2 Cl. 2 Prep.; 12,514 Ft2 Poly. Memb.; 0.7 Yd3 Elas. Conc. Nos. Rep. Mtl.; 63 Ft Rep. Elas. Conc. Nos.; 427 Ft Pour. Seals; 500 Yd2 Br. Appr. Slab Cppr; 6,811 Ft2 Roll. Wtrpf. Memb.; 5,420 Yd2 Mpco Rem.; 5,420 Yd2 Furn. Mpco Mtl.; 5,420 Yd2 Const. Mpco; 180 Ft Prot. Fence; 364 Ft Elas. Conc. Nos.; 220,497 Yd2 Cppr; 901 Ton Aggr. Base; 4,000 Ton Aggr. Shldr.; 69 Ton Emuls. Asph. Tk. Ct.; 40,935 Ton Acp (2,457 Ton Pg 64-22 Asph.); 1,500 Yd2 Acp Rep.; 35 Ea Asph. Appr.; 20,231 Ft Gd. Rl.; 100 Ft Mt. Med. Barr.; 897 Ea Delin.; 89 Ea Culv. Drain. Mrkr.; 5 Ea Br. Id Mrkr.; 76 Ea Surf. Mt. Tub. Mrkr.; 2.2 Miles Rumb. Strips; 165,000 Ft Thermo. Striping; 132 Fbm Wd. Sign Post; 32 Ft2 Signs; 1.25 Acre Seeding. This Project Requires Railroad Insurance. Completion Time: October 22, 2026. Classes of Work: Either a) Asphalt Concrete Paving and Oiling, or B) the Combination of 1) Earthwork and Drainage & 2) Miscellaneous Highway Appurtenances. This Project Contains Asphalt and Fuel Escalation Clauses. This Project Requires an Asbestos Abatement License as Required by Ors 468a.720. This Project Contains a 9% Dbe Goal. The Oregon Department of Transportation is an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. The policy of the Oregon Department of Transportation is to provide equal opportunity for participation in its contracting activities to all persons and firms in compliance with applicable Federal and State laws, rules and regulations. The Department of Transportation may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the Department of Transportation that it is in the public interest to do so. The Prequalification Application form, requirements and instructions are on the Agency website For Bids submitted by hand delivery, date stamp the Bid with the provided date stamping device and place into the ODOT Procurement Bid Box located in the 1st floor lobby at the following address: Oregon Department of Transportation 355 Capitol Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97301 ODOT - 001 - OR42: US101 to Cedar Point Rd *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work





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