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Published September 23, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Bismarck, North Dakota. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The scope of Work consists of 1 Bid Schedule. The Project is located in Ward County, North Dakota. The Work consists of the following: Construction of new electrical ductbank and equipment pads, construction of new instrumentation, control, and electrical work at the Pressure Reducing Station and 3 (three) Isolation Valve Vaults, including valve actuators, unit heaters, dehumidifiers, sump pumps, and other miscellaneous and incidental items. The Work includes all transportation, labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, permits, utilities, and other items necessary to construct said Work. Question Deadline 09/12/2024 The Contractor will not perform Work or permit the performance of Work by subcontractors outside regular dusk to dawn working hours or on Saturdays, Sundays, or legal State holidays without providing written notice of proposed work to the Engineer a minimum of 5 days in advance and contingent on the Owner s written consent. Each Bid must be accompanied by a separate envelope containing a copy of a current and valid North Dakota contractor s license issued at least 10 days prior to Bid opening, and a Bidder s Bond in a sum equal to 5% of the full amount of the Bid, executed by the Bidder as Principal and by a Surety, conditioned that if the Principal s Bid is accepted and the Contract awarded to Principal, the Principal, within 10 days after notice of award, shall execute a Contract in accordance with the terms of the Bid and a Contractor s Bond as required by law and regulations and determinations of the North Dakota State Water Commission. Bidders shall submit proof of qualification to perform the Work as described in the Instructions to Bidders. Substantial Completion for all WORK shall be August 15, 2025. Final Completion for all WORK shall be September 15, 2025. The State of North Dakota, acting through the State Water Commission, reserves the right to award the Contract, if awarded, based on the lowest responsive Bid that is in the best interest and most advantageous to the Owner, to reject any Bids, to consider other factors in selecting the Bid that are in the best interest of the Owner, and to waive any irregularities in any Bid. The Owner reserves the right to hold all Bids for a period of 90 calendar days after the date of the Bid opening to complete financial arrangements. Bid submission info : Mailed Bids shall be addressed to Mr. Travis Johnson, North Dakota Department of Water Resources, with an internal envelope containing the bid clearly indicated to be a Sealed Bid for NAWS Contract SA No. 98. follows: The Work includes, but is not limited to: Electrical, Equipment, Instrumentation, Controls, and other miscellaneous Work at each site. The project is in Ward County North Dakota, the PRS station is located on the SE corner at the intersection of Highway 83 and Ward County Highway 16, Isolation Vault No. 1 is located on Lot 7 of Elk Meadows Addition to the City of Minot, Isolation Vault No. 2 is located on Lot 12 of Highlander Estates Subdivision to the City of Minot, and Isolation Vault No. 3 is located in the 16 th Street Right of Way on the West side of the road just South of the North Section line of Sec. 10 T-154-N R-83-W.


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Bismarck, ND

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