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Published November 4, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Dexter, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Dexter City Hall is located at 3515 Broad St., Dexter, MI 48130. The City Hall building's roofing material is metal, but has multiple roof heights and stories over different sections of the building. In some areas, roof overhangs release rain/snow/ice onto another section of roof. In the winter, City Hall's metal roofs have held snow and ice, which have shed-off in large quantities onto: lower roofs, outdoor HVAC units, and pedestrian areas. The goal of this project is to install metal roof ice guards to encourage the diversion (or slow release) of ice and snow in areas that overhang pedestrian walkways, HVAC units, or would otherwise have a significant drop onto a lower portion of the roof. Prospective vendors are invited to submit a bid with associated costs to install metal roof ice guards on the roof of Dexter's City Hall building. The quantity of ice guards to be installed shall be sufficient to cover approximately 250' linear feet of area to be protected. In some areas of the building, ice guards will need to be installed on roof sections with heights of over 40', and may require various types of aerial lifts to access. Preference will be given to ice guards or diversion systems that avoid puncturing or putting holes in the existing roof structure. Proposed work shall include: Furnishing of all materials, including but not limited to: ice guards and fasteners Installation of ice guards sufficient to protect 250' linear feet Successful vendor will be responsible for provision or rental of necessary aerial lifts All work will be performed at Dexter City Hall, 3515 Broad St., Dexter, MI 48130. Direct technical questions to Justin Breyer, City Manager, 734-426-8303, Jbreyer@dextermi.gov Work is anticipated to be awarded on October 14, 2024. The work shall be complete within 8 weeks following bid award. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, proposals, or limited solicitation responses, wholly or in part, and to make awards in any manner deemed in the best interest of the City. Bids, proposals, and limited solicitation responses will be firm for 30 days, unless stated otherwise in the text of the invitation for bid, request for proposal, or limited solicitation. Bid Results Asbestos Abatement Great Lakes Environmental - $17805 Building Demolition Blue Star - $82700 Earthworks, Utilities & Retaining Walls Earth Ex - $1264000 Rammed Aggregate Piers Subsurface Constructors - $192405 Vapor Mitigation Industrial Services Inc - $33510




Public - City


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September 27, 2024

October 14, 2024


3515 Broad St, Dexter, MI

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