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Renovation of a stadium in Framingham, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a stadium.

The CITY of Framingham will be accepting bids from qualified vendors to operating the skate shop at Loring Arena located at 165 Fountain Street, Framingham, MA 01702 during operational season beginning November 1st and ending May 1st. Services to be provided include properly equip, stock, staff and operate the skate shop during the operational season as well as during major events including ticketed hockey games, public skating, Park & Recreational programming, valley League games and all other events ticketed or not ticketed per the City Inquiries regarding this Request for Proposals are to be directed to Margaret Ottaviani, Purchasing Administrator Bids shall be submitted in compliance with and shall be governed by the City's Short Form of Agreement herein. If, at the time of the scheduled bid opening, City Hall is closed due to uncontrollable events such as national or local disaster, fire, snow, ice, wind, or building evacuation, the bid opening will be postponed until 10:00 A.M. on the next normal business day. (The City Manager or his designee, or local, state and national safety officials are the only ones who may declare City Hall closed.) In that case, bids would be accepted until that date and time. Form, Modification, Withdrawal of Bids A bidder may correct, modify, or withdraw a bid by written notice received by the City prior to the time and date set for the bid opening. Bid modifications must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly labeled "Modification No.__." Each modification must be numbered in sequence, and must reference the original IFB. After the bid opening, a bidder may not change any provision of the bid in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the City or fair competition. Minor informalities will be waived or the bidder will be allowed to correct them. If a mistake and the intended bid are clearly evident on the face of the bid document, the mistake will be corrected to reflect the intended correct bid, and the bidder will be notified in writing; the bidder may not withdraw the bid. A bidder may withdraw a bid if a mistake is clearly evident on the face of the bid document, but the intended correct bid is not similarly evident. Questions by Bidders and Addendum Questions concerning this invitation for bids must be submitted to: Vendor Registry before 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 12, 2024. If any changes are made to this IFB, an addendum will be issued. Addenda will be posted on Vendor Registry and sent to all bidders on record as having picked up the IFB. Neither Ms. Ottaviani nor any other employee of the City is authorized to give interpretations of any portion of the Contract or to give information as to the requirements of the Contract in addition to that contained in the Contract. Interpretations of the Contract or additional information as to its requirements, where necessary, shall be communicated to bidders by written addendum, which addendum shall be considered part of this Contract. Bidder Prerequisites Only Bidders who can comply with the following should submit bids as only such Bidders will be considered qualified: a. The bidder shall have been in the business of providing the product(s) and or service(s) for which it is submitting prices herein, for a period of no less than one (1) year prior to the bid opening date. b. The bidder shall have provided such services or goods of the size and scope similar to that described herein to no less than two (2) commercial or industrial customers within the last two (2) years. Bidder shall include with its bid a list of references for previous contracts requiring the services or goods of the type described herein, including a brief description of the services or goods provided and contact information. A "Bidder Reference Form" is included for the bidder's convenience in Section F. Enclosures A checklist of bid enclosures is provided in the Section entitled "Bid Package." This checklist is provided as a working document for the convenience of bidders only. It is the bidder's responsibility to read the IFB fully to confirm that it has enclosed all requirements. Signatures All Bids shall be signed by a person having legal authority to bind the Bidder to the terms and conditions of the Bid, and the person so signing the Bid shall give the person's own name, business address and title. Bids not properly signed will be rejected as nonresponsive. All Bids shall be prepared and signed by hand in ink in the proper places provided on the bid form as follows: a. If the bidder is an individual, by her/him personally b. If the bidder is a partnership, by the name of the partnership, followed by the signature of each general partner; and c. If the bidder is a corporation, by the authorized officer, whose signature must be attested to by the Clerk/Secretary of the corporation and the corporate seal affixed. Reservations The City reserves the right to reject in whole or in part, any and all Bids if it is in the best interests of the City to do so, or to waive minor deviations, to cancel the IFB at any time prior to award, and/or to advertise for new Bids. Rejection of Bids Bids which are incomplete, conditional or obscure, or which contain any additions not called for, or which otherwise do not conform to the requirements of the applicable statutes or to the requirements for submission set forth herein will be rejected as non-responsive. Bids which contain erasures, alterations or irregularities of any kind or which fail to fully meet the requirements for bid submission set forth herein, or which contain abnormally high or abnormally low prices for any item of work may be rejected as non-responsive. More than one bid from the same bidder, whether or not the same or different names appear on the signature page, will not be considered. Reasonable grounds for believing that any bidder is so interested in more than one bid for the work contemplated may cause rejection of all bids made by that bidder directly or indirectly. Any or all bids potentially affected by collusion will be rejected if there is reason for believing that collusion exists among the bidders. The decision of the City will be final. Bidders whose bids have been rejected because of evidence of collusion will not be considered in future bids for the same work and may be disqualified from bidding on future work. The City shall reject any Bid that does not include the signed Non-Collusion and Attestation Forms provided in the Bid Package. Examination of Bid Documents and Site of Work Before submitting the bid, the Bidder shall become familiar with the Bid Documents that will form parts of the Contract, shall have investigated in detail the locations of work and shall have made such examination thereof as may be necessary to satisfy itself in regard to the character of the work involved and all conditions affecting the work to be done and labor and materials needed, including impact on other City work, and make the Bid in sole reliance thereon. Statements as to the condition under which work is to be performed are made solely to furnish a basis for comparison of Bids, and while the City believes them to be correct, the City does not guarantee their accuracy. The Bidder is responsible for verifying visible and reasonably anticipated conditions. Rule for Award One Contract will be awarded to the responsive and eligible bidder offering the lowest Total Estimated Contract Price for Bid Evaluation Purposes subject to the reservations contained herein and to the exceptions set forth in MGL Chapter 30, Chapter 30B or Chapter 149, whichever is applicable, within ninety (90) calendar days after the bid opening. The time for award may be extended by mutual agreement between the City and the apparent lowest responsive and responsible Bidder, during which time there will be no increase in the Bid price or Contract period. The successful bidder will within ten (10) calendar days of the notification of contract award by the City, execute a contract in accordance with the terms and conditions of this bid and furnish insurance certificates and contract bonds as required herein. Massachusetts Sales and Use Tax Bidders are advised that the City is exempt from Sales and Use Tax and shall submit its bid prices without taxes. An Exemption Certificate may be obtained by the successful Bidder from the City upon request.


Arenas / Stadiums


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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September 19, 2024

November 1, 2024


165 Fountain St, Framingham, MA

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