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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Farmington, Utah. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

TheDistrict envisionsthatthesuccessfulbidder(s)willprovideitemsperthe specificationsidentifiedin the followinglist: 1. Davis School District will require a site visit and written price quotation for each job, atno additional charge, listing materials, materials discount amount, and labor hours.If theproject actually requires less time and/or materials than listed on the quote, the savingsmust be passed on to the District.If job exceeds quoted work, a change order must beapproved and signed by Environmental Maintenance Services department prior tocommencementofadditional work. 2. The successful contractor will provide his/her own labor, materials, equipment,supervision,safetyconsiderations,supplies,tools, andmachinestocompleteprojects. 3. Response time: standard response time must be within 5 calendar days, emergencyresponsetimemustbethe 'same day'. 4. Accesstothebuildingsmustbecoordinatedwith EnvironmentalMaintenanceServices. 5. 100%Payment andPerformancebondsmustbefurnished totheOwneron jobsof $20,000ormore.WorkcannotbeginuntilbondshavebeenreceivedbytheDistrict. 6. Successful bidder must meet all current licensing requirements for the city, county, andstate of Utah to do the type of work that is required under this bid.All work must beperformedbyarepairpersonthatisdirectlyemployedandsupervisedbythesuccessfulbidder. 7. Aftercompletionoftheproject,thecontractorwill beresponsibleforremovingallrelateddebrisand return thesiteto a clean state. 8. Paymentswillbemadeafterthecompletion,finalinspection,andapprovalfromtheEnvironmentalMaintenanceDepartment. ACHElectronicDirectDepositorPurchasingCardacceptancearetheDistrict's preferred methods for invoice payments. By responding to this solicitation, the bidderagrees to accept these methods and provide the necessary information and tools to facilitatepayment. If a bidder is unable to accept a direct deposit or Purchasing Card payment, the biddershould provide an explanation in their bid submittal. The District reserves the right to factor theadditional cost of paying invoices by check in its decision to award to the lowest responsive andresponsiblebidder.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Farmington, UT

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