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Published September 19, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Sacramento, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

1) The State of California (State), Department of General Services (DGS), Facilities Management Division (FMD) manages, maintains and operates state buildings and grounds statewide, pursuant to Government Code Section 14685 (a), which authorizes DGS to establish rules and regulations for the government and maintenance of state buildings and grounds. FMD is procuring services for Fire Life Safety Maintenance,Testing and Repairs on state property. 2) The Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, and materials required to provide Fire Life Safety services for the equipment identified in Attachment 10, Exhibit A, Attachment 1. 3) The anticipated term of the contract will be for 36 months. 4) The Bidder's rates will stay in effect for the entire contract term. The Bidder will be afforded the opportunity at the non-mandatory walk-through to examine work sites and specifications and investigate conditions, character, and quality of surface, subsurface materials or obstacles and conditions that might be encountered. No additions or increases to the agreement amount will be made due to conditions that existed at the walk-through. 5) The Bidder's required services are provided in Attachmen t10, Sample Standard Agreement and Exhibits.The winning Bidder will be required to adhere to all Agreement terms as indicated in Attachment 10, Sample Standard Agreement and Exhibits. Please note that any orange font language in the attached sample contract is for informational purpose only and will not appear in the final contract. 6) This contract is subject to Prevailing Wage. Contractor and Sub-contractor(s) must be registered with DIR, if required by law to do so, in order to submit a bid. 7) The Bidder must be advised of Executive Order N-6-22 Russia Sanctions. On March 4, 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order (EO) N-6-22 regarding Economic Sanctions against Russia and Russian entities and individuals. "Economic Sanctions" refers to sanctions imposed by the U.S. government in response to Russia's actions in Ukraine, as well as any sanctions imposed under state law. By submitting a bid, Bidder represents that it is not a target of Economic Sanctions. Should the State determine Bidder is a target of Economic Sanctions or is conducting prohibited transactions with sanctioned individuals or entities, that shall be grounds for rejection of the Bidder's bid any time prior to contract execution, or, if determined after contract execution, shall be grounds for termination by the State. Written Question Submission Deadline September 25, 2024 Questions and Answers to be Posted October 1, 2024 a. The Non-Mandatory Walk-Through is scheduled according to the KeyActionDatelistedabove. Bidders will need to present identification and sign in at each facility b. Any questions arising from the Non-Mandatory walk-through shall be submitted in writing to the Acquisition Analyst listed on the Notice to Prospective Bidders by the Key Action Date listed above. c. In the event a Bidder is unable to attend the Non-Mandatory walk-through, an authorized representative may attend on their behalf. The representative may only attend for one (1) Bidder. Subcontractors may not represent a prime contractor at the Non-Mandatory walk-through. d. Persons needing assistance due to a physical impairment will be given reasonable accommodation upon request for the Non-Mandatory walk-through. The Bidder must call Leticia Andrews at 279-946-8173 or email leticia.andrews@dgs.ca.gov no later than the second working day prior to the scheduled date and time of the Non-Mandatory Walk-Through to arrange for a reasonable accommodation. 3) Written Questions: a. Bidders requiring clarification of the intent or content of this IFB, or on procedural matters regarding the competitive procurement process, may request clarification by submitting questions in writing. Bidders may submit questions to the Acquisition Analyst listed on the Notice to Prospective Bidders via email or via U.S. mail. If sending via U.S. mail, the envelope must be clearly marked "Questions Relating to IFB - FLS Maintenance and Testing and sent to the Acquisition Analyst listed on the Notice to Prospective Bidders for this IFB. To ensure a response, questions must be received in writing by the date given for written questions in Key Action Dates(See Section C.1.).Question and Answer Sets will be provided to all Bidders and will be posted as an official Addendum. b. Requests for Changes to the IFB - If the Bidder believes that one or more of the IFB requirements is onerous, unfair, or imposes unnecessary constraints to the Bidder in proposing less costly or alternate solutions, the Bidder may request a change to the IFB by submitting, in writing, the recommended change(s) and the facts substantiating this belief and reasons for making the recommended change. Such requests must be submitted to the Acquisition Analyst by the date specified herein for written questions concerning the IFB. Such changes will be made at the sole option of OBAS. If OBAS determines that any requested change is in the best interest of the State, all Bidders will be notified of the change in the form of an Addendum to this IFB. c. If a Bidder discovers any ambiguity, conflict, discrepancy, omission or other error in this IFB, the Bidder will immediately notify OBAS of such error(s) in writing and request clarification or modification of the document. If a Bidder fails to notify OBAS, prior to the Deadline for Final Bid Submission, of an error known to the Bidder, or an error that reasonably should have been known, the Bidder will bid at their own risk, and if awarded the contract, will not be entitled to additional compensation or time by reason of the error or its later correction The Drop Box will be opened at 2:00PM Tuesday through Thursday and bids in the box will be certified as being received before 2:00PM that day. k. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure timely delivery of the bid. A postmark or facsimile transmission will not be accepted as meeting the delivery time requirements. Bidders hand-delivering their bids should allow extra time for traffic, sparse parking, slow elevators and clearing security procedures.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Sacramento, CA

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