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Published November 7, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Munster, Indiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

MHS Network Wiring Project Construction Contract: Bids will be received for the following Work: Revise sample subparagraphs below to correspond to the delivery system applicable to Project. Revise below if using construction management or design-build project delivery methods. Munster High School 8808 Columbia Avenue Munster, Indiana 46321 A. Bid security shall be submitted with each bid in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid amount, including the Base Bid and all additive Alternate Bids. B. Bid security may be in the form of cashier's check, certified check, money order, or bid bond. C. The Base Bid may be held for a period of thirty (30) days before awarding the Contracts. D. Should a successful bidder withdraw their bid or fail to execute a satisfactory contract within ten (10) days after notice of acceptance of their bid, the Owner may declare the Bid Security forfeited as liquidated damages, not as a penalty A. Successful bidder shall provide a Performance Bond and Payment Bond in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the total Contract Sum. B. Bonds shall be from a surety company approved to conduct business in the state where the work is being performed. C. Bonds shall remain in full force and effect for a period of one (1) year after the date of final acceptance of the work D . All costs for the Performance Bond and Payment Bond shall be included in the Base Bid price B. Upon award, the Architect will issue a Notice to Proceed on behalf of the Owner. C. Upon receipt of the Notice to Proceed, the successful bidder shall solidify contracts and agreements, file for the necessary approvals and permits, submit the required project documentation to the Architect, and prepare to mobilize on site. D. Fall Semester 2024 The Contractor may work during the evenings to complete any work in unoccupied areas, and nonpublic spaces, which are not used by students or for educational activities, as long as noise and activities do not disrupt educational use of adjacent spaces. For work in public areas, educational spaces, and all areas occupied by students and staff, the Contractor is required to work after hours (3:30pm and later) or on weekends during this timeframe. E. Winter Break 2024: The Contractor will have full access to all areas of the building and at all times desired by the Contractor, as scheduled with the Owner for access. The entire building will be unoccupied, without any use by students, staff, or the public. Portions of the system that require changeover or to be temporarily non-active may be accomplished during this timeframe as well. F. Spring Semester 2025: The Contractor may work during the evenings to complete any work in unoccupied areas, and nonpublic spaces, which are not used by students or for educational activities, as long as noise and activities do not disrupt educational use of adjacent spaces. For work in public areas, educational spaces, and all areas occupied by students and staff, the Contractor is required to work after hours (3:30pm and later) or on weekends during this timeframe. H. Fall Semester, 2025: The Contractor may work during the evenings to complete any work in unoccupied areas, and nonpublic spaces, which are not used by students or for educational activities, as long as noise and activities do not disrupt educational use of adjacent spaces. For work in public areas, educational spaces, and all areas occupied by students and staff, the Contractor is required to work after hours (3:30pm and later) or on weekends during this timeframe. I. Winter Break 2025: The Contractor will have full access to all areas of the building and at all times desired by the Contractor, as scheduled with the Owner for access. The entire building will be unoccupied, without any use by students, staff, or the public. Portions of the system that require changeover or to be temporarily non-active may be accomplished during this timeframe as well. J. Spring Semester 2026 The Contractor may work during the evenings to complete any work in unoccupied areas, and nonpublic spaces, which are not used by students or for educational activities, as long as noise and activities do not disrupt educational use of adjacent spaces. For work in public areas, educational spaces, and all areas occupied by students and staff, the Contractor is required to work after hours (3:30pm and later) or on weekends during this timeframe. K. The Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion by Monday, June 1, 2026. Substantial Completion for the Project is defined as: 1. Work complete so that spaces are ready to occupy and use for their intended purposes. 2. Fire alarm system and devices fully operable, without faults on the system. Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities, see the project manual for detailed information. Anticipated Award Date: 11/11/2024 Questions Due by bidders 10/4/2024, 3:00 PM CST

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October 29, 2024

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8808 Columbia Ave, Munster, IN

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