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Published October 24, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to a mixed-use development in Kearney, Nebraska. Working plans call for the addition of a educational facility; for the demolition of a educational facility; for the renovation of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

Legal Notice Kearney Public Schools is requesting qualifications from qualified construction management firms (CM) to provide construction management at-risk services for the construction of an addition to Kearney High School and also an addition to Central Elementary School. Project descriptions Kearney High School Project as currently proposed consists of a 31,250 gross s quare foot addition to the south side of the existing Kearney High School. A majority of the addition square footage is located on the first floor which is slab-on-grade. There are portions of the addition that are on a second floor. It is likely that the exterior structure and finishes will consist of architectural precast panels with thin brick to match the finishes on the south portion of the existing building. The program for the addition consists of a Girl's Wrestling Room, Air Rifle Range for Kearney High School's new Junior ROTC program, a large multi-purpose room with artificial turf and some support spaces including a locker room, restrooms, storage and mechanical/electrical space. Central Elementary Project as currently proposed consists of a 3,292 gross square foot addition to the southwest side of the existing Central Elementary School. The program for the addition consists of a new accessible entrance/lobby and administrative offices and corresponding support spaces. It is anticipated that the exterior cladding and finishes will match as closely as possible the 2006 addition to Central Elementary. CM will have input on final structure and finish selections for both projects. Project as currently proposed consists of a 3,292 gross square foot addition to the southwest side of the existing Central Elementary School. The program for the addition consists of a new accessible entrance/lobby and administrative offices and corresponding support spaces. It is anticipated that the exterior cladding and finishes will match as closely as possible the 2006 addition to Central Elementary. CM will have input on final structure and finish selections for both projects. The total project budget for all costs associated with the projects, including but not limited to, construction costs, architect fees and reimbursable expenses, construction manager fees and reimbursable expenses, general conditions costs, permits, special testing and other owner costs, is approximately $12.0 million for the Kearney High School project and $2.5 million for the Central Elementary School project. The total estimated construction cost, including the cost of the work, general conditions costs, and construction manager fees and expenses, to be included in the CM contract is estimated to be approximately $11 million for Kearney High School and $2.2 million for Central Elementary School. The District reserves the right to remove portions of this work from the CM contract and let separate bids if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the District. All questions, clarifications, or interpretations of this RFQ should be directed to the Owner's Representative. The point of contact for the Owner's Representative is Trent Bosard, KPS Director of Facilities, 417 East 6th St, Kearney Ne, 68847. 308.627.1198 Shortlist Confirmed.

Final Planning



Public - City

Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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