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Site work for a road / highway in Atkinson, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

Centerline Pavement Markings (Double Yellow) shall be the pavement markings used to delineate the separation of traffic lanes that have the opposite directions of travel on a roadway. It may not always be the geometric center of the road, and it shall be yellow. Painted double center lines shall be four inches wide and shall be separated by discernible space. DOUBLE YELLOW TOTAL LINEAR FEET = 63,157 This work shall consist of furnishing, placing, and painting white or yellow retroreflective paint pavement markings, and associated items listed on the Proposal Form. All materials, equipment and labor shall be furnished by the Contractor to complete the job as specified. The Town will reject any work it determines to be below the high standards of the industry. The Contractor shall be responsible for promptly repairing/replacing any work which is deemed unacceptable by the Town WHITE LINE TOTAL LINEAR FEET = 127,652 Edge Line Pavement Markings, where indicated shall delineate the right and left edges of a roadway. Edge line markings shall not be continued through intersections but shall not be broken for driveways. Painted edge lines shall be white in color and shall be four inches wide. Quotes shall be based on use of a water-born paint covering approximately 250-300 linear feet per gallon with retro-reflective glass beading added as sprayed. Yellow center lines and outer edge fog lines both with applied glass beading shall be applied by means of a truck mounted spray unit. Road painting of any sort will only take place when the road is dry (free of moisture). When this is in doubt, the final decision rest with the Atkinson Public Works Director. Road painting will take place during day light hours, using best management practices, traffic cones and signage will be used to delineate fresh paint. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received for the following reasons including but not limited to: o Fails to adhere to one or more of the provisions established in the proposal. o Fails to submit its proposal at the time or in the format specified herein or to supply the minimum information requested herein. o Fails to meet the minimum evaluation criteria specified in this proposal. o Fails to submit its proposal to the required address on or before the deadline date established by the Town. o Misrepresents its services, experience and personnel by providing demonstrably false information in its proposal or fails to provide material information. o Fails to submit its cost on the enclosed proposal form. o Refuses a reasonable request for an interview. o Refuses to provide clarification requested by the Town. Bid Results K5 Corporation Year 1: $18,422.57 On-The-Line, Inc. Year 1: $14,700.00 Industrial Traffic Lines, Inc. Year 1: $14,922.18


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Atkinson, NH

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