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Published November 7, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Valley Falls, Kansas. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The bid shall be for furnishing all labor and materials and performing all work for the water line boring under the Delaware River to connect the city lake water line. 1.) BORING OF WATERLINE connecting to the existing water line on both sides of the river: A. Install a 4-inch gate valve on the north side of the river between the existing pipe and the new water line. Bore and pull a new 4-inch poly-fused pipe under the river and connect it at both ends. The bid will include material, labor, and no sales tax. B. Install a 4" gate valve at the north side of the river between the existing pipe and the new water line. Bore and pull the new 6" sleeve, then pull the 4" poly-fused pipe through the sleeve and connect at both ends. The bid will include material, labor, and no sales tax. o Sales Tax project exemption will be provided with the bid award. o The contractor should verify all measurements; The City of Valley Falls is not liable for measurements. o The City of Valley Falls requires that the work be completed before December 1, 2024, or have written approval from the city Administrator to extend the date due to natural causes. The City of Valley Falls, Kansas, reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities.The bid shall be for furnishing all labor and materials and performing all work for the water line boring under the Delaware River to connect the city lake water line. 1.) BORING OF WATERLINE connecting to the existing water line on both sides of the river: A. Install a 4-inch gate valve on the north side of the river between the existing pipe and the new water line. Bore and pull a new 4-inch poly-fused pipe under the river and connect it at both ends. The bid will include material, labor, and no sales tax. B. Install a 4" gate valve at the north side of the river between the existing pipe and the new water line. Bore and pull the new 6" sleeve, then pull the 4" poly-fused pipe through the sleeve and connect at both ends. The bid will include material, labor, and no sales tax. o Sales Tax project exemption will be provided with the bid award. o The contractor should verify all measurements; The City of Valley Falls is not liable for measurements. o The City of Valley Falls requires that the work be completed before December 1, 2024, or have written approval from the city Administrator to extend the date due to natural causes. The City of Valley Falls, Kansas, reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities.

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Valley Falls, KS

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