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Published November 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Chino, California. Completed plans call for site work for a fire / police facility; and sidewalk / parking lot.

The City Council of the City of Chino, hereinafter referred to as "City" is seeking proposals from qualified firms, hereinafter referred to as "Proposers" to establish a contract for: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Parking Lot Carports at the Chino Police Department Proposers may file a protest of an RFP with the Finance Department - Purchasing Division, City of Chino - 13220 Central Avenue, Chino, CA 91710, no later than 4:00 p.m. on the fifth business day from the date the Notice of Intent to Award was announced. The City intends that the successful Proposer shall demonstrate qualifications, resources, expertise, and experience sufficient to undertake and complete the Project on a timely and cost-efficient basis. A solar energy installation company selected by the City will be fully responsible for: (i) securing any and all necessary permits and utility agreements; and (ii) planning, designing, scheduling, constructing, installing, and commissioning the systems; and (iii) financing through a 25-year Power Purchase Agreement. THE CHINO PD PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) SYSTEM HAS QUALIFIED FOR NEM 2 STATUS, AS ITS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISION (SCE) INTERCONNECTION APPLICATION HAS BEEN DEEMED VALID. THIS QUALIFICATION WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO THE SUCCESSFUL PROOSER UPON AWARD OF RFP. THE CITY OF CHINO WILL ONLY CONSIDER PROPOSALS FROM VENDORS CAPABLE OF ACHIEVING PROJECT COMPLETION AND SECURING PREMISSION TO OPERATE (PTO) BY DECEMBER 31, 2025, IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN THE NEM 2 STATUS. The purpose of this document is to provide City of Chino's potential solar proposers with key parameters to submit proposals. The City of Chino seeks a 25-year PPA solution. Proposals must include all details outlined in this document for the City of Chino to execute a contract in a transparent manner in accordance with the California Government Code 4217. Proposers are not to contact any City personnel with any questions or clarifications concerning this RFP. All official communication concerning this RFP will be through website - Invitation RFP# 2024-0023 SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) PARKING LOT CARPORTS. Any City response relevant to this RFP other than through website is unauthorized and will be considered invalid. Questions and Addenda: All questions or requests for interpretation regarding this RFP must be submitted online through website. Proposers are not to contact City personnel with any questions or clarifications concerning this RFP other than through website. Any City response for this RFP that is not posted through website is unauthorized and will be considered invalid. If clarification or interpretation of this solicitation is considered necessary by City, a written addendum shall be issued. Any interpretation of or correction to this solicitation, will be made only by addendum issued through website. It is the responsibility of each Proposer to ensure that they have received and reviewed any and all addenda to this RFP. Validity of Proposals: Proposals must be valid for a period of at least 120 calendar days from the closing date and time for receipt of proposals. Proposals are not to be marked as confidential or proprietary. City may refuse to consider any Proposal so marked. Proposals submitted in response to this RFP may become subject to public disclosure. City shall not be liable in any way for disclosure of any such records. Additionally, all Proposals shall become the property of the City. Proposer RFP Examination: By submitting a Proposal, Proposer represents that it has thoroughly examined City's requirements and is familiar with the services required under this RFP and that it is qualified and capable of providing the services to achieve City's objectives. Proposal Compliance: Each Proposer must submit its Proposal in strict accordance with all requirements of this RFP and compliance must be stated in the Proposal. Deviations, clarifications and/or exceptions must be clearly identified and listed separately as alternative items for the City's consideration. Proposal Rejection: Any Proposal may be rejected if it is conditional, incomplete, or deviates from specifications in this RFP. City reserves the right to waive, at its discretion, any procedural irregularity, immaterial defects, or other improprieties which City deems reasonably correctable or otherwise not warranting rejection of the Proposal. Any waiver will not excuse a proponent from full compliance. Pre-Contractual Expenses: The City shall not, in any event, be liable for any pre-contractual expense incurred by the Proposer in the preparation of its proposal. Pre-contractual expenses are defined as expenses incurred by the Proposer in: a. Preparing its proposal in response to this RFP b. Submitting its proposal to the City c. Negotiating with the City on any matter related to the proposal d. Any other expenses incurred by the Proposer prior to date of contract award Negotiations: City reserves the right to: a) negotiate the final Contract with any Proposer(s); b) withdraw this RFP in whole or in part at any time without prior notice and, furthermore, makes no representations that any Contract will be awarded to any Proposer responding to this RFP; c) award its total requirements to one Proposer or to apportion those requirements among two or more Proposers; or d) reject any proposal if it is conditional, incomplete or deviates significantly from the services requested in this RFP. In addition, negotiations may or may not be conducted with Proposer; therefore, the Proposal submitted should contain Proposer's most favorable terms and conditions, since the selection and award may be made without discussion with any Proposer. Protest Procedure: Only a proposer who has actually submitted a proposal in response to this RFP is eligible to submit a protest. The City will not accept or entertain RFP protests from anyone who did not submit a proposal for the project or work being protested. Proposers may file a protest of an RFP with the Finance Department - Purchasing Division, City of Chino - 13220 Central Avenue, Chino, CA 91710, no later than 4:00 p.m. on the fifth business day from the date the Notice of Intent to Award was announced. At the time of the filing, the protest shall be: a. submitted on the proposer's formal letterhead and include the proposer's company name, address, phone number and the name and title of the individual filing the protest; b. list the reasons for the protest including the specific section of the documents or technical specifications being disputed and shall site any statutes or case law supporting or serving as the basis for the protest and describe how they support the item(s) being disputed. If the protest does not meet these requirements, the City will reject it without further review. If the protest is submitted on time and complies with all the above requirements, the Director of Finance or his designee, shall review the protest and all relevant information submitted by the protestor. The City will provide a written response to the protestor. The City has the right to respond to any protest until the date on which the contract is awarded by the Chino City Council. The procedure and time limits set forth in this paragraph is mandatory and is the sole and exclusive remedy in the event of an RFP protest. Failure to comply with these procedures shall constitute a failure to exhaust administrative remedies and a waiver of any right to further pursue the proposal protest, including filing a Government Code Claim or legal proceedings. If the City determines that the protest is frivolous, the party originating the protest may be determined irresponsible and that party may be determined to be ineligible for future contract awards. Local Business Preference: The City of Chino has adopted a Local Business Preference Ordinance (Ordinance #96-08) in order to promote City businesses. The terms of the ordinance provide the City with the option of reducing bids from qualified local vendors by as much as five percent (5%) in determining the lowest responsible bid. Contract or Purchase Order will be awarded at the preference bid amount. If your company is located within the City, you may qualify for this preference under the guidelines of the Local Business Preference Ordinance. In order to comply under the terms of the local Business Preference Ordinance, companies responding to a City Invitation for Bid or Request for Proposal must submit a completed Local Business Preference Application form with their bid or proposal. Bid Bond 10.00% Payment Bond 100.00% Performance Bond 100.00% Contact Info Jizelle Sandoval 909-334-3367 jsandoval@cityofchino.org Question Deadline 10/14/2024 at 10:00 AM PT Online Q&A Yes


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Site Work




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Trades Specified

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet
Division 01 - General Requirements

Division 01 - General Requirements

Administrative Requirements, Submittal Procedures, Certificates, Quality Requirements, Regulatory Requirements
Division 26 - Electrical

Division 26 - Electrical

Low-Voltage Electrical Distribution
Division 32 - Exterior Improvements

Division 32 - Exterior Improvements

Site Improvements, Fences and Gates, Planting, Plants, Trees, Transplanting, Tree Transplanting

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5450 Guardian Way, Chino, CA

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Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Parking Lot Carports

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