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Site work and paving for a civil project in West Sacramento, California. Conceptual plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

The Consultant is expected to furnish all services as required to complete the scope of services described below for the Project. Services will generally include: surveying, preparation of environmental documents and technical studies necessary to obtain NEPA and CEQA environmental approvals, preparation of Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E), construction support. Bennett Engineering Services was previously selected to complete Phase 1: 35% design for this Project. A list of project documents anticipated to help proposers with submitting their proposals will be provided in this RFP. The selected consultant will be expected to manage and control costs and resources, and complete work in adherence to the agreed upon Project schedule and will assign a Project Manager who will act as the City's primary contact and will be entirely responsible for project management activities throughout the life of the Project (including subconsultant work, if applicable). The following is a suggested breakdown of Project tasks and should be incorporated into the fee schedule under the appropriate activities. Task 1. Project Management & Coordination Task 1.1 - Meetings and Consultation Consultant responsibilities will include: A. A kick-off meeting with the City and the Consultant to review and refine the work program and schedule, identify critical milestones, and determine appropriate paths of communication will be held prior to beginning work. B. Consultant will produce a baseline schedule of work and conduct periodic meetings with the City to discuss progress. Baseline schedule will be updated to reflect Project Progress. C. Setup and facilitation of Project Development Team (PDT) meetings, interagency meetings, field reviews, stakeholder meetings, and other Project related meetings. D. The City Project Manager must be kept aware of all Project coordination with outside agencies, prior to any meeting with an outside agency or organization. E. Consultant will prepare agendas, minutes, and sign-in sheets for all meetings. F. Consultant will provide continuing consultation and advice, through oral and written communications on all matters relating to Project. G. Consultant will monitor and update schedules H. Consultant is expected to attend two (2) public meetings. These meetings may include City Council meetings and other meetings held by City committees as well as separate meetings for local neighborhoods, businesses and interested community groups. Outreach meetings will be held to address public concerns and ideas for the design and implementation of the Project and may be held on the weekend. Consultant may recommend adjustments to the number of outreach meetings and/or the outreach approach in the proposal. Task 1.2 - Reporting and Invoicing I. Consultant will develop, implement, and adhere to a comprehensive schedule of performance to ensure accomplish the scope of services. J. Consultant will adhere to the Project budget. In collaboration with the consultant team, the City desires to establish a budget that is realistic for successful Project delivery. The City's expectation is that the consultant will be aggressive in managing the Project in order to avoid or minimize contract amendments. K. Consultant will prepare written Progress Reports and Project schedules to accompany each monthly invoice to allow City staff to determine if Consultant is performing to expectations, is on schedule, is within funding cost limitations, to communicate interim findings, and to afford occasions for airing difficulties respecting special problems encountered so that remedies can be developed. The status report must outline all activities for which expenses are submitted by the consultant or subconsultants. All activities must be itemized by task/subtask and be consistent with the agreed upon scope of services. Progress Reports must include the following: Status of work completed to date Expense allocation by task/subtask Work anticipated to be completed in the next reporting period Problems/Obstacles identified during the reporting period Estimated percentage of plan completion at 35%, 65%, 90%, and 100% L. Consultant will submit invoices monthly on the 15th of each month and should include expenses for the preceding month with the billing period beginning and ending in the same calendar month. (i.e. - The invoice for period January 1 - January 31 would be due on February 15th). Should the 15th fall on a weekend or holiday, the invoice will be due on the next business day. Invoices received on-time will be payable by the City to the Consultant 30 days from the invoice date. Incomplete or inaccurate invoices will be returned to the Consultant unapproved for correction. Invoices will include: Names of the Consultant personnel performing work. Dates and times of Project work. Itemized costs by task, including identification of each employee or subcontractor staff that provided services during the period of the invoice, number of hours and hourly rates for each employee or subcontractor staff member, authorized travel expenses with receipts, receipts for authorized materials or supplies, and subcontractor invoices. N. The consultant will prepare a report(s) to document all key findings and decisions made including a Project budget detail and key approvals. Task 2. Data Collection and Review A. Consultant will complete a comprehensive review of the existing Project data that include as-built drawings, adopted plans and policies, prepared and approved documents and in-progress work products. Request and gather additional information and data as needed. B. Based on the data collected, design standards and guidance, and review of Project information, assess the previously completed 35% design, verify assumptions, and confirm consistency with the Project's objectives and planned budget for Project completion. Consultant should highlight any special or potential conditions that may impact the final design, either as opportunities or constraints. Task 3. Environmental Documentation A. The NEPA and CEQA documents will be prepared under the oversight of Capital Project's staff. The proposed scope of work should identify a proposed NEPA and CEQA work plan including major milestones and schedule. B. The NEPA and CEQA documents will be prepared per the guidelines in the Local Assistance Procedures Manual under the oversight of Caltrans and the FHWA as well as other federal and state environmental regulations. C. Environmental documentation may include, but not limited to, tribal consultations as provided for in Assembly Bill 52 (AB-52) and Historic Preservation as provided for in Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. D. Consultant will be responsible for determining and completing the appropriate level and type of environmental documentation and meetings attendance required to advance the proposed Project to construction. E. The consultant team will be responsible for the production of all technical studies necessary for approval of NEPA and CEQA. The required technical studies will be summarized for the City's review and authorization to proceed with the documentation needed to complete CEQA and NEPA compliance. F. Consultant will prepare and/or finalize technical studies required for NEPA and CEQA approval. Coordination with Caltrans is required for NEPA approval. Consultant will circulate the final CEQA document for comments and provide the final CEQA document for City Council approval. Task 4. Topographic and Right of Way Mapping Most of the work is within City right-of-way however, per the Right-of-Way exhibit prepared by Bennett Engineering, the project will require Temporary Construction Easements (TCE) and Fee Acquisitions. A. The City will provide topographic survey prepared for the prior 35% design phase as reference. It is the responsibility of the consultant to verify the information provided and provide any additional necessary topographic surveys. B. Consultant will perform utility research to identify existing utility locations based on record drawings and field services, such as utility potholing, to positively identify existing utilities that may be impacted by the Project. C. Consultant will obtain Title Reports necessary for property research and mapping. D. Consultant will identify all agencies with permitting authority over any aspects of the Project and assist City with communication and coordination efforts with such agencies throughout all phases of the work. E. Consultant will identify all permitting requirements and, in conjunction with City staff, establish an implementation plan and timeline to meet all requirements. As necessary, the incorporation of all permitting requirements in preliminary engineering, environmental mitigation, and final engineering and PS&E will be completed during the appropriate phase(s) of work. F. Consultant will prepare and assist the City in preparing and completing request for authorization (RFA) for ROW and construction, permit applications, resolving utility conflicts and securing R/W Certification. All permit application fees will be paid for by the City. The Consultant, in close coordination with the City Project Manager, will serve as the liaison between the City and the permitting agency. G. Consultant will provide services to coordinate the anticipated staged construction design with applicable property owners and provide right of way delineation for construction easements and acquisitions. Consultant will prepare plats and legal descriptions as required for construction of the Project. H. Consultant will prepare and assist the City with the ROW Certification following completion of all right-of-way activities. The ROW Certification will be prepared in final form to be submitted to Caltrans for approval necessary to advance to construction phase of the project. Task 6. Utility Coordination A. Consultant will coordinate with utility provides within the Project limits in both cities. Chapter 13 of the Caltrans Right of Way Manual and Chapter 14 of the LAPM shall be followed for utility coordination procedures. B. Consultant will prepare utility conflict maps and required forms as part of the coordination. C. Consultant is expected to attend utility coordination meetings. These meetings include meeting with utility companies and Caltrans Utility Coordinator. Task 7. 65% Plans, Specifications and Estimates Consultant will provide professional services for the preparation of improvement plans, specifications, and estimates in accordance with City of West Sacramento and Caltrans standard specifications, as applicable. Deliverables may include but are not limited to the following: Workshop Exhibits Improvement Plans including Profiles and Cross Sections Survey Control Grading Plans Traffic Signal Plans Traffic Signing and Delineation Plans Demolition Plans Details of Accessibility Improvements Electrical plans Lighting plans with photometric analysis Irrigation & Landscaping Plans Technical Specifications Engineer's Estimates Utility Plans Broadband Internet Infrastructure Design Construction Sequencing Traffic Control Plans Caltrans Encroachment Permit Applications Broadband Internet Infrastructure Design will include: Utility location Utility Relocation Coordination 65% Broadband Utility Plans, Specifications, and Estimate 95% Broadband Utility Plans, Specifications, and Estimate Final (100%) Broadband Utility Plans, Specifications, and Estimate Task 8. 95% Plans, Specifications and Estimates (Optional Task) Consultant will provide professional services for the preparation of improvement plans, specifications, and estimates in accordance with City of West Sacramento and Caltrans standard specifications, as applicable. Deliverables may include but are not limited to items listed in Task 7. Task 9. Final Plans, Specifications and Estimates (Optional Task) Consultant will provide professional services for the preparation of improvement plans, specifications, and estimates in accordance with City of West Sacramento and Caltrans standard specifications, as applicable. Deliverables may include but are not limited to items listed in Task 7. Task 10. Bidding & Construction Support (Optional Task) A. Consultant will attend a pre-bid meeting and support the City with responses to questions received during Project advertisement. B. Consultant will attend preconstruction meeting, respond to construction RFI's or design clarification, issue design modifications, and review shop drawings requiring designer review. C. Consultant shall provide one set of record drawings for the City of West Sacramento showing as-built changes as shown on red-lined markups provided to Consultant by the Resident Engineer. D. Implement pre-construction public meeting and public alerts as described by the outreach plan. Optional Task(s) Consultant is encouraged to recommend additional or modified tasks deemed vital to the Project's success and the City may also include additional related tasks at its discretion. The final scope of services will be negotiated with the selected Consultant prior to contract award. The City reserves the right to mark any of the above listed tasks as optional prior to finalizing the contract. Question Submission Deadline : October 17, 2024, 5:00pm Question Response Deadline : October 24, 2024, 5:00pm


Roads / Highways


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Paving, Site Work

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October 31, 2025


Multiple Locations, West Sacramento, CA

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