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Published October 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a stadium in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a stadium.

The successful Proposer to the RFP will be engaged to install a new wireless intercom system. The wireless intercom system support matrix based communications, integrate with the existing RTS Intercom System, and support wireless communication throughout the facility. QUESTIONS: Questions concerning this solicitation should be directed to Ed Kroics, Executive Director, email: ed.kroics@msfa.com, phone number: #612-335-3315. Question Deadline 10/16/2024 All questions must be submitted via emai to: Ed Kroics, email: Ed.Kroics@MSFA.com, Michelle Hoffman, email: Michelle.Hoffman@MSFA.com, Mary Fox-Stroman, email: Mary.Fox-Stroman@MSFA.com, Sue Arcand, email: Sue.Arcand@MSFA.com, and Samantha Thompson, email: samantha.thompson@usbankstadium.com The successful Proposer to the RFP will be engaged to provide a turnkey wireless intercom system (as further described in the RFP and any addenda that will be issued to this RFP) including, without limitation: o Acquire all permits and conform to local and State codes. o Design, provide, install, hook up, coordinate, test, remove and dispose of current system, and perform final inspection/verification on all items required to complete the work associated with the Project. This includes receiving, inspecting, uncrating, and removal/disposal of packing material. Clean-up of all work areas is required as part of this scope, including responsible recycling of construction debris. o All necessary tools, equipment, and components (cords, connections, fasteners, etc.) as needed to provide a turnkey installation and delivery of the Project. o Provide testing and commissioning of system(s). o All premium (overtime) hours required to meet the Project schedule and scope, not including time added due to Owner revisions/additions. o Two-year on-site warranty to repair or replace the work and services constituting the project. o The work required for the Project must be coordinated with the event schedule for the venue. Accommodations must be made for guest, staff, and client access. In addition, some events require no or limited work due to noise constraints. The Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any informalities in any proposal received without explanation. Proposals are due by 4:00 pm. CT, October 23, 2024. One paper copy of the Proposal should be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed and mailed to: Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority Attention: Ed Kroics 1005 4th Street South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415 With an electronic copy sent via email to: Ed Kroics, email: Ed.Kroics@MSFA.com, Michelle Hoffman, email: Michelle.Hoffman@MSFA.com , Mary Fox-Stroman, email: Mary.Fox-Stroman@MSFA.com, Sue Arcand, email: Sue.Arcand@MSFA.com, and Samantha Thompson, email: samantha.thompson@usbankstadium.com


Arenas / Stadiums


Public - State/Provincial


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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October 23, 2024

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1015 S 3rd St, Minneapolis, MN

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