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Published October 15, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Claremont, New Hampshire. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Turning Points Network (TPN) is seeking the services of a qualified architect, licensed to work in the State of New Hampshire, to assess the condition, develop Preliminary Architectural Drawings and provide cost estimates for the rehabilitation of a building located at 227 Broad Street, Claremont, NH for its suitability for long term use anticipated by TPN and its partners. The evaluation will include identifying needed repairs and renovations as well as assistance in developing this building into four units of permanent housing. Among other items, the feasibility study will address ADA accessibility, energy efficiency potential, as well as the building's capacity to sustain the proposed programming and meet its needs for years to come. Architectural firms wishing to be considered for this work should provide a statement of qualifications and experience which should include the following: 1. A description of the location, services, staff levels, and a brief history of the consultant's business or firm. 2. A description of the project team including key staff assigned to the project, their qualifications and experience. 3. Descriptions of similar relevant projects and their costs, if applicable. 4. Consultants should also include references from three similar relevant projects. 5. Concept/methodology of the firm's approach to this project. 6. Work tasks and methods used to complete the proposed scope of services. 7. A timeline illustrating anticipated key project elements and their anticipated completion dates. Evaluation Criteria: The final selection will be based on the following criteria: Company Background Material Relevant Experience on Similar Projects Key Staff Members Experience Local Knowledge Quality of Proposal/Ability to Perform References A separate sealed detailed fee proposal for the development of the feasibility study shall be included with the proposal. The fee proposal shall include a task breakdown, billing rate schedule, and list of reimbursables. The deadline to submit a proposal, at which time all submissions will be opened in the City Council Chamber, 58 Opera House Square, Claremont, NH 03743. The public is welcome to attend. Please provide four (4) hard copies of your qualifications and one (1) electronic copy in Microsoft Word or PDF format. Responses should be in a sealed envelope clearly marked: Request for Qualifications TPN Feasibility Study Mailed or delivered to: City Manager's Office 58 Opera House Square Claremont, NH 03743 Once the bid is awarded, at the Turning Points Network's discretion, the consulting architect may be engaged to provide additional services through any subsequent phases of the project. The Turning Points Network will select the proposal which best serves the needs of TPN and reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Inquiries regarding this RFQ may be directed to Avery Hallbauer, Project Manager, City of Claremont, NH at 603-504-0350 or via email at ahallbauer@claremontnh.com The project is funded in part by a Community Development Block Grant from the New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority. A maximum of $23,000 is allocated through this grant for the formulation of this feasibility study and building assessment. Disadvantaged and Section 3 Businesses are encouraged to apply. Turning Points Network is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Residential Subdivision

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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227 Broad St, Claremont, NH

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