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Published March 12, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Nashville, Tennessee. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Multiple Buildings Roof Replacement If the initial Contract Sum as awarded exceeds $100,000, the successful Bidder shall provide Contract Bond in an amount of 100 percent of Contract Sum and in accordance with the requirements and form exhibited as Section 00 61 13. Bid Security is required in the amount of five percent (5%) of total amount of bid, including alternates, in the form of a Bid Bond or check (certified or cashier's)made payable to State of Tennessee. 1.01 Replace the existing low-slope EPDM roofs at Operations Building and Hale Hall. 1.02 Work includes, but is not limited to removal of the existing single-ply membranes, all insulation, edge metal, metal copings, gutters and downspouts to the existing deck. Provide new vapor barrier at locations shown on Plans. Provide flat stock, tapered isocyanurate insulation and HD iso coverboard. Provide and install a fully adhered, low slope fire retardant (LSFR), non-reinforced, black, .090" EPDM Roof System over cover board. System to be installed per Manufacturer's recommendations to achieve a 30-Year No-Dollar-Limit, Total-System Warranty.Provide new edge metal, gutters, downspouts and overflow scuppers at locations shown on Plans. Perform other specified work items as shown on the Plans. 1.03 Keep work area and grounds clean at all times and protect inside and outside of facility from damage. The facility must remain occupied and dry during the work. Contractor shall not interfere with Owner's normal day-to-day operations of the building. Contractor will be provided an area on-site for storage of materials, if so desired. 1.04 The Contractor shall conform to OSHA and other safety requirements during this Project. Keep all tools, equipment, materials and personnel (as practicable)away from roof perimeters to prevent damage or injury on the construction Site and to protect the structure and public below. 1.05 Contractor is responsible for providing all necessary barricades on the roof and on the ground to meet OSHA requirements and protect people on the ground. Owner and Designer are not responsible for Contractor's safety. 1.06 Contractor's Use of Premises: Staging area(s) will be provided, to be coordinated with Owner (see Plans). 1.07 Coordinate all work with Local Officials and the Owner. Owner must continue to occupy building during the work of this Contract. Contractor shall keep buildings dry and free of debris at all times. 1.08 Contractor's employees shall have no interaction with Building employees/occupants/students. Contractor's employees shall keep all trash in proper containers on roof. Inappropriate comments and/or actions will be reason to remove Contractor's Employee from the jobsite. 1.09 TSU is a tobacco free Campus. Contractor may only use tobacco products in vehicles. 1.10 Contractor is responsible for repairing Building surfaces and lawns damaged due to Contractor's work. Damaged lawns are to be filled with new topsoil, raked and seeded. Contractor shall water newly seeded areas to insure a good stand of grass during the one-year Warranty period. 1.11 All Contractor's work areas, material storage areas and other areas of work shall be barricaded off to ensure Building employees/occupants/students do not accidentally pass into the work areas. 1.12 Contractor shall coordinate all deliveries with TSU. TSU is not responsible for receiving Contractor's deliveries. Delivery of materials shall not interfere with operation of School. Contractor shall be present when all materials are delivered. All materials shall be properly stored at location designated by TSU. 1.13 TSU Campus representative is Marlah Green (615-594-8419). 1.14 In General, work hours shall be 8:00 AM to dark. During summer months, Contractor may start work earlier to avoid excessive heat. Weekend work shall be coordinated with Owner and Security. 1.15 Contractor shall pick up nails and debris daily or more often if required. Contractor will be responsible for any damage to tires from nails in parking lot.




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3500 John A Merritt Blvd, Nashville, TN

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Multiple Building Roof Replacement

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