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Published November 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and outdoor lighting for a bridge / tunnel in Dexter, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for outdoor lighting for a bridge / tunnel.

Reference Number 0000365644 DIRECT TECHNICAL QUESTIONS TO - Josh Tanghe, Assistant to the City Manager, 734-580- 2229, JTanghe@dextermi.gov Summary of Work Prospective vendors are invited to submit proposals to perform the following work: o All design, procurement, permitting, installation, earth work, and site restoration involved with the overall project. o Contractor shall provide all supervision, labor, tools, equipment, supplies, and materials necessary to perform the installation of the lighting fixtures and associated electrical connection. o Purchase and installation of four (4) lighting fixtures and casing units. o Fixtures and casing units should adequately withstand various weather conditions such as snow, ice, and moisture (the pathway is located alongside Mill Creek). o Selected fixtures and casing units shall be of a quality and material to require minimal long-term maintenance. o Lighting shall adequately illuminate the pathway beneath the bridge to assist pedestrians with avoiding possible hazards such as water, ice, and general trip hazards. o Illumination should be as limited to the path as possible. o Light specs should not exceed 3400 kelvins. o Lighting fixtures shall utilize high-efficient LEDs and bulbs that require minimal maintenance. o Lighting fixtures shall be placed under every-other beam so that they are equally distributed underneath the bridge (see Exhibit A - Placement). o Electrical connection of fixtures to street lamp post circuit located on the topside of the bridge (see Exhibit B - Site Map). o Electricity should be connected to the lamp post circuit in a way that the timing utilized for the street lamp on/off cycle is then utilized by the lighting beneath the bridge. o The circuit should be designed to be metered by the same meter utilized by DTE for the street lamp. o Earthwork necessary to connect lamp post electricity to fixtures beneath the bridge. The City of Dexter is seeking a qualified vendor for the installation of four (4) lighting fixtures beneath the Main Street Bridge with associated high voltage wiring, to improve pedestrian visibility along the City's section of the Washtenaw County Border-to-Border Trail. The trail/sidewalk runs perpendicular to the bridge and connects the two park areas. The trail runs parallel and adjacent to Mill Creek, which occasionally creates moisture under the bridge. The bridge is owned and operated by Washtenaw County Road Commission, who is in support of this project. Work is anticipated to be awarded on November 11, 2024. The work shall be complete within 8 weeks following bid award.

Bid Results

Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

Outdoor Lighting, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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November 1, 2024

November 11, 2024


Main St, Dexter, MI

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