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Published December 27, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Wichita, Kansas. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Colonel James Jabara Airport New Above Ground Storage Tank (AST) Installation. OVERVIEW AND SUMMARY The City of Wichita is the largest city in Kansas with a population of approximately 397,000 and is the seat of Sedgwick County. As of August 2020, the city's total land area was approximately 165.58 square miles. Major highways, including the Kansas Turnpike (I-35), Interstate 135 and U.S. 54 (Kellogg Avenue) link the City with a large trade area that encompasses a population of more than 1.1 million people within a 100 mile radius. The City of Wichita employs approximately 3,100 employees providing a full range of municipal services, including police and fire protection, parks and recreation programs, libraries, public housing, municipal transportation, airports, water and sewer utilities, general administration, and other services. PROJECT DEFINITION The City of Wichita is seeking bids from firm(s) for goods and/or services for the WICHITA AIRPORT AUTHORITY. Purchase and installation of two (2) above ground storage tanks (AST), including all electrical, accessories and appurtenances associated and attached therewith as described in this Scope of Work and Specifications. The Wichita Airport Authority, owner of the property and facilities, is referred to hereafter as "WAA." Contractor is referred to hereafter as "Contractor" or the "selected Contractor." The legislative body of the City consists of a six member City Council, elected by district, and a full time Mayor elected from the City-at-large. The Council members and the Mayor serve four-year terms overlapping. The Council and Mayor establish general policies, which are executed by the City Manager. Project Description: Purchase and installation of two (2) above ground storage tanks (AST), including all electrical, accessories and appurtenances associated. Question Deadline 10/29/2024 at 5:00 PM CT Any Questions Regarding This Document Must Be Submitted via Email to Don Dearmont, Ddearmont@wichita.gov in Accordance With the Dates and Times Stipulated for Questions. Any Questions of a Substantive Nature Will Be Addressed in Written Form as a Posted Addendum on the City's Online. Respondents Are Responsible for Checking the Website and Acknowledging Any Addenda on Their Submitted Response Form and Addendum Acknowledgement Form. SCOPE OF SERVICES See Attachment A - Scope of Work and Specifications The City of Wichita is soliciting request for bids from vendors and/or firms for goods/service for the Airport. The city reserves the right to award all, some, or none of the goods/services set forth in this Request for Bid (RFB) to any one proposer based on the city's review and assessment of the bids meeting the BID SECURITY in the amount of five per cent (5%) of the bid MUST be submitted with each bid. Bid Security shall be by a Bid Bond ONLY, written by a Bonding Company approved by the United States Treasury Department and licensed to do business in the State of Kansas. PERFORMANCE BOND FORMS, included in the bid package are to be used, in the amount of one hundred per cent (100%) of the contract must be furnished by the successful vendor. A LABOR & MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND FORMS, included in the bid package are to be used, running to the State of Kansas in a sum of not less than the total of the contract, must be furnished by the successful vendor. Evaluation Criteria: Bid Award will be based on the Lowest and Best Total Net Bid from a Responsible and Responsive vendor. The City, through its Board of Bids and Contracts reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and any part of parts of any bid and to waive formalities therein to determine which is lowest and best bid. Any bid which is incomplete, conditional, obscure, or which contains additions not called for or irregularities of any kind, may be cause for rejection of the bid. All bids are awarded subject to a check of the computations shown on the "Request For Formal Bid" form. In the event of a discrepancy in the extension(s) or total for the item(s), the unit cost shall prevail. The City, through its Purchasing Manager, reserves the right to accept or reject any or all submittals and any part or parts of any submittal, and to waive formalities therein to determine which is the most beneficial bid.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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3512 N Webb Rd, Wichita, KS

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