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Published November 27, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a swimming pool in Washington, District of Columbia. Completed plans call for site work for a swimming pool.

the Construction Manager at Risk (the "CMAR" or the "Contractor") for the Rosedale Pool Replacement (the "Project"), located at 1701 Gales Street NE, Washington, DC 20002. Project Budget: $5,000,000.00 This solicitation is being set aside for Offerors that are certified by the District of Columbia Department of Small and Local Business Development ("DSLBD") as certified Small Business Enterprises ("SBEs"). The Contractor will be required to provide a full range of services required to selectively demolish existing features as necessary and construct a new expansion facility to meet the Department's programmatic requirements. All Project documents prepared to date by the Architect/Engineer ("A/E") to date are included as Attachment A. The existing pool facility is located at 1701 Gales Street NE, Washington DC 20002, and is connected to Rosedale Recreation Center. The outdoor pool facility measures roughly 18,000 square feet and includes a main pool, lap pool, and infant pool. The facility also features a large pool deck with seating and shade structures. The Project renovation will widen the existing lap pool by adding two additional lanes, expanding the pool deck, and replacing the existing infant pool with an enclosed splash pad. The main pool construction will include the removal of two existing slide structures and the installation of a new beach entry with waterplay features, stair access, and a perimeter skimming system. The entire pool equipment and system will be upgraded with a new pump plant, filters, chemical feed system, backwash tank, and associated piping. The entire pool deck will be replaced, and new drains will be included. The expansion of the pool deck area will require extending the existing retaining wall. The pool deck will receive new fencing, shade structures, and furniture. Additionally, the non-functioning deck showers will be replaced. The Project will include new plantings and removal of existing trees. Last Day for Questions:October 30, 2024, 2:00pm Bid date notes: Once you have completed account registration, browse back to this page, click on "Submit Response", and follow the instructions to submit the electronic bid. rosedale community center pool renovation to include: - enlarge existing pool - replacement of entire concrete pool deck and add new concrete deck at pool extension - demolish toddler pool replace with new splash pad and play structure - new play structures at main pool - new seating - new shade structure - existing deck shower trim replacement - upgrade pool equipment and plumbing - partial demolition and rebuilding of retaining wall at new location - 2 new below grade tanks for splash pad - removal of 7 trees and replanting 4 new trees.


Swimming Pools


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work





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November 21, 2024

September 8, 2025


1701 Gales St NE, Washington, DC

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