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Published January 10, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fire / police facility in Fish Creek, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

The Town of Gibraltar is soliciting bids from Qualified firms (including individuals) interested in providing an emergency generator to the Town of Gibraltar Fire Department to replace the existing 150KW, 188 KVA, 120/208 volts, 520 Amps, 3 Phase emergency generator with a new, equivalent or greater generator at the Fire station at 3496 County Hwy F, Fish Creek , WI 54212. For any inquiries regarding this RFP, please contact the Town of Gibraltar administrative office Monday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 am. to Noon at (920)-868-1714 or by email to clerk@gibraltarwi.gov or abertges@gibraltarwi.gov Proposals shall include: 1. Contractor Narrative/Drawing: Provide an overview/compliance statement of design and layout for the proposed system. The overview must include: a. A statement confirming the generator system (model number), generator system specification sheet, list of accessories and control system specifications; b. A statement of methods and materials that will be needed to install and connect the automatic transfer switches to the new generator that is compliant to all applicable codes; c. A statement that the required electrical power systems will be backed up by the new generator system at the completion of the project; d. A statement of method to assure proper exhaust ventilation; e. A statement with the breakdown of the project installation timeline; f. If necessary to move the current generator location, a proposed layout drawing and description of the site preparation work to be done to provide a pad for the generator showing the new proposed installation location, footprint of the generator and any surrounding equipment; g. A statement of methods and materials that will be used to connect all existing loads to the new generator backup system. 2. Compensation: a. For the design component, provide a matrix indicating an estimate of hours and fees to complete the services for each task. Also, provide separate itemized time and materials fee adjustments, where appropriate, for additional tasks you feel should be added. b. Proposal must include a clearly understandable schedule of charges for procurement and construction (build component). All charges will be included in the cost breakdown of proposals. No additional costs will be charged to the Town. If any error or omission of equipment or service is made by the Contractor, the Contractor will incur any additional costs


Fire / Police


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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3496 Cir F, Fish Creek, WI

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