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Published November 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Richmond, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; playground / park / athletic field; and playground / park / athletic field.

Request for Interpretations Due: October 28, 2024, 4:00pm 1. STATEMENT OF WORK 1.1. Purpose The City of Richmond is accepting bids for general contracting services for the Crooked Branch Ravine Park 42nd Street Bridge project which includes, but is not limited to, pavement demolition, site grading, erosion and sediment control, concrete abutment construction, coordination of delivery and erection of prefabricated bridge elements, trail overlay, tree removal, tree protection, and associated efforts as described in the provided plans. The Crooked Branch Ravine Park 42nd Street Bridge project was developed to provide a shared-use connection from Crutchfield Street to the terminus at 42nd Street. 1.2. Statement of Work 1.2.1. General Information The Crooked Branch Ravine Park 42nd Street Bridge project has been divided into multiple phases. The scope of work for this phase (Phase 1) is focused on the installation of a prefabricated bridge and associated general contracting services stated in Section 1.1 Purpose described in the attached plans. 1.2.2. Park Access Crooked Branch Ravine Park can be accessed from an entrance along Crutchfield Street at the approximate address of 4001 Crutchfield Street. Additional access and laydown area at the terminus of 42nd street is noted in the attached plans. 1.2.3. Access to Bridge Site from Crutchfield Street The attached trail plans serve as the preferred route for construction access to the bridge site at Reedy Creek from the South. Parks, Recreation, and Community Facilities staff may consider other route options in consultation with the Contractor, relevant stakeholders, and experts. 1.2.4. Access to Bridge Site from 42nd Street The attached plans show the access at the terminus of 42nd Street; the prefabricated bridge will likely need to come in via 42nd Street. Parks, Recreation, and Community Facilities staff may consider other route options in consultation with the Contractor, relevant stakeholders, and experts. 1.2.5. Add Alternates Add alternates for pier and solid foundation ramps up the bridge from both the North and South sides will be accepted. Add alternates for gavel and/or asphalt trail construction will also be accepted. 1.2.6. Tree Preservation and Protection All viable efforts to protect existing trees should be incorporated into the construction approach with preference given to mature native and specimen species. Methods of construction that add material above root protection zones and limit excavation below grade/root level are preferred. ISA best management practices are preferred. Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities staff and city arborists are available for consultation for tree protection practices throughout the duration project. See attached tree inventory for reference. 1.2.7. USACE Permitting United States Army Corps Engineers Permitting is currently underway. A notice to proceed will be issued after all USACE permits are in hand. Contractor shall abide by all regulations stipulated by USACE. 1.3. Prequalification This project has not been prequalified under the Code of the City of Richmond, Section 21-46. All interested bidders are encouraged to participate. 1.4. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds Funds used by the City to make payments under the Contract may be derived in whole or in part from the City's allocation of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds established under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 ("ARPA"). Accordingly, the provisions set forth in section 3.3 ("American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Provisions") of Part 3 ("Special Conditions of the Contract") of this IFB No. IFB No. 250004517 apply. 1.2. Statement of Work 1.2.1. General Information The Crooked Branch Ravine Park 42nd Street Bridge project has been divided into multiple phases. The scope of work for this phase (Phase 1) is focused on the installation of a prefabricated bridge and associated general contracting services stated in Section 1.1 Purpose described in the attached plans. 1.2.2. Park Access Crooked Branch Ravine Park can be accessed from an entrance along Crutchfield Street at the approximate address of 4001 Crutchfield Street. Additional access and laydown area at the terminus of 42nd street is noted in the attached plans. 1.2.3. Access to Bridge Site from Crutchfield Street The attached trail plans serve as the preferred route for construction access to the bridge site at Reedy Creek from the South. Parks, Recreation, and Community Facilities staff may consider other route options in consultation with the Contractor, relevant stakeholders, and experts. 1.2.4. Access to Bridge Site from 42nd Street The attached plans show the access at the terminus of 42nd Street; the prefabricated bridge will likely need to come in via 42nd Street. Parks, Recreation, and Community Facilities staff may consider other route options in consultation with the Contractor, relevant stakeholders, and experts. 1.2.5. Add Alternates Add alternates for pier and solid foundation ramps up the bridge from both the North and South sides will be accepted. Add alternates for gavel and/or asphalt trail construction will also be accepted. 1.2.6. Tree Preservation and Protection All viable efforts to protect existing trees should be incorporated into the construction approach with preference given to mature native and specimen species. Methods of construction that add material above root protection zones and limit excavation below grade/root level are preferred. ISA best management practices are preferred. Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities staff and city arborists are available for consultation for tree protection practices throughout the duration project. See attached tree inventory for reference. 1.2.7. USACE Permitting United States Army Corps Engineers Permitting is currently underway. A notice to proceed will be issued after all USACE permits are in hand. Contractor shall abide by all regulations stipulated by USACE.

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Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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Northrop St, Richmond, VA

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