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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Cupertino, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Public Works Department, City Street Trees & Medians Division and the Community Development Department, Planning Division, seeks proposals from qualified consultants to perform professional consulting and planning services to complete the update to Master Street Tree list, Tree Planting Specifications and Protected Tree Ordinance. The City of Cupertino, hereinafter referred to as "the City", is located in Santa Clara County, approximately 32 miles south of the San Francisco International Airport and directly west of the City of San Jose on the western edge of the Santa Clara Valley. The City is known for being the home of Apple, Inc. corporate headquarters. The Public Works Department, City Street Trees & Medians Division and the Community Development Department, Planning Division, seeks proposals from qualified consultants to perform professional consulting and planning services to complete the update to Master Street Tree list, Tree Planting Specifications and Protected Tree Ordinance. The City Street Trees & Medians Division is responsible for the planting and maintenance of approximately 15,000 street trees. Street trees are trees located on property in the public right-of-way throughout Cupertino. The Planning Division serves the City's residents, businesses, and visitors through the preparation, administration and review of land use plans and regulations. The division is also a resource for homeowners, businesses, designers, and contractors in building safe, healthy and sustainable buildings that comply with applicable codes and regulations The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to facilitate the selection of a qualified firm to provide a detailed report with recommendations for appropriate tree species to be planted within the City's urban forest. As an RFP, this is not an invitation to bid and, although price is very important, other factors will be taken into consideration. The firms submitting a response to this RFP are required to state their understanding of the work and their experience. The firms are urged to submit concise proposals, appropriate to the scale of the work and include only items that are relevant to this work. The City of Cupertino reserves the right to reject any or all responses received as a result of this solicitation to extend the submission due date for proposals; to modify, amend, reissue or rewrite this document; and to procure any or all services by other means. The City will not be liable for any costs incurred by the firm for the preparation of their proposal or for developing and carrying out interviews, if needed. Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance by the firm of the conditions contained in this RFP. Question Deadline 11/21/2024 at 2:00 PM PT Pre-proposal questions or requests for clarification shall be sent via email to Jimmy Tan at and must be submitted. Email title should include the words "CMC 14.18 and Master Street Tree List Updates." Questions or clarifications not sent to nor by the due date and time, will not receive a response. Any response provided by the City questions and/or clarifications will be provided by addenda and posted electronically. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



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June 12, 2025


Multiple Locations, Cupertino, CA

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