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Published October 28, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling of a medical facility in Sandstone, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the remodel of a medical facility.

This project will consist of remodel of our Lake Lena Dental Clinic for installation of new dental equipment. Work in general will include general interior finish replacement, flooring, painting, ceiling tile, casework, light fixture replacement. Work will include concrete floor cutting and patching to accommodate underground electrical and plumbing connections, air and vac to the new dental chair locations. Work will also include minor electrical / low voltage modifications for new equipment and accessories. In construction contracts that are federally funded or deemed commercial, bonding is required. These types of contracts shall demand a performance bond not less than twenty (20%) percent of the total contract price, but not to exceed $500,000.00. A performance bond requirement is to ensure that, if a contractor defaults, the Band may request that the surety pay the expense incurred to complete the construction contract. B. In addition, all construction contracts identified as federally funded or commercial shall be covered by a payment bond equal to one payment installment or cover subcontractors/suppliers as determined by the Contracting Officer or his agents. The payment bond must contain language stating that if the contractor fails to make a payment to its subcontractors/suppliers, the surety will make the necessary payment. The Band reserves the right to reject any bid that it is unable to collect at the Onamia post office by the bid deadline date and time, provided that the Band has made diligent and reasonable efforts to collect the bid. The Band reserves this right even in the event that the bid has been postmarked before the deadline Project plans and product specifications will be available to bidders at the pre-bid site visit. This project will consist of remodel of our Lake Lena Dental Clinic for installation of new dental equipment. Work in general will include general interior finish replacement, flooring, painting, ceiling tile, casework, light fixture replacement. Work will include concrete floor cutting and patching to accommodate underground electrical and plumbing connections, air and vac to the new dental chair locations. Work will also include minor electrical / low voltage modifications for new equipment and accessories. 1. Provide labor to remove existing dental equipment from the dental space including two dental chairs, two rear consoles and center divider console. Disconnect all utilities. Store equipment on site per Owner direction. 2. Utilize Owner provided equipment templates to locate new underground utilities to be moved and modified, including water supply, air, vacuum, N20, O2 and electrical receptacles. Plumbing subcontractor must have medical gas certification. 3. Layout and cut existing concrete floor slab to accommodate the underground utilities modifications to the new chair locations. 4. Patch concrete floor areas disturbed. Remove remaining floor coverings and cove base in the dental space and grind surfaces clean for new flooring installation. 5. Install new LVT and 4" vinyl wall base throughout the space. LVT: Shaw Contract Solitude 6"x48" plank fully adhered. Provide samples to Owner for color selection. 6. Modify electrical receptacles and low voltage connections for new equipment locations. 10.Remove lower interior window sills (2). Cut down or install new matching window sill to be flush with the under sill trim. 11.Provide and install ceiling track mounted medical curtain mounted between the two dental stations and dividing casework. 12.Demo and replace interior ceiling troffer light fixtures. 2x4 Troffer / Lay-in Fixture: Lithonia 2ALL4 CTRF Match current building lighting circuit voltage. Convert existing recessed can lights to LED. 13.Medical Records Room 132: See plan for notes. Selectively demo casework, flooring, cabinet lighting, vinyl wall covering and acoustical ceiling to accommodate a new partition wall. Construct new partition wall, including backing and electrical to accommodate the new Panoramic Imaging equipment location. Skimcoat, tape, finish and paint. Replace flooring in 7. Selectively demo finished wall spaces and install backing support, electrical modifications, etc. for dental equipment installation. Restore drywall finishes. 8. Remove interior signage, wall attached accessories, etc. Remove vinyl wall covering, patch, skimcoat and paint all drywall surfaces within the dental space. Re-install wall mounted accessories and signage. 9. Provide and install custom casework base cabinet as shown in operatory 145. the space with LVT and vinyl base. New partition wall location will be determined by equipment supplier for clear space requirements. Restore finishes on the medical records side of the new partition wall. 14.Contractor shall include a contingency allowance line of $15,000.00 to be utilized by the Owner for project scope changes, unforeseen conditions or otherwise unspecified work. Contractor shall submit any change request to the Owner for review/approval before commencing with any additional work that will be paid from the contingency allowance line.




Public - Federal


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45741 Grace Lake Rd, Sandstone, MN

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