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Published October 30, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a communication facility in Nespelem, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a communication facility.

Wireless Network Construction Services The SOW required by CTCR, and as outlined below, is inclusive of all wireless network and system construction, including but not limited to cabinets, splicing, equipment installation, road building, structure installation, and all goals of the project. This project is funded primarily by a grant from the United States National Telecommunication Infrastructure Administration (NTIA) all bidders are to understand and comply with the guidance and requirements as outlined by the NTIA which will be provided. It is solely up to the bidder to understand and abide by these program requirements. Question Deadline 11/06/2024 at 4:00 PM PT Questions Due. Question responses November 8th, 2024. Please address questions and responses via email to: CCTBroadbandprojects@colvilletribes.com. Unauthorized contact with other tribal employees regarding this RFP may result in disqualification. All oral communications will be considered unofficial and non-binding on the Colville Tribes of the Colville Reservation. Email communication is the preferred method of communication All proposals and accompanying documentation will become the property of the Colville Tribes and will not be returned. Contractor accepts all risk of late delivery of mailed proposal regardless of fault. The CTCR reserves the right to accept a proposal of the bidder submitting lowest responsible, responsive bid, to reject any or all bids, republish the call for bids/proposals, revise or cancel the work to be performed, or do the work otherwise, if the best interest of the CTCR is served thereby. The Tribes may make an award on the basis of the proposals initially submitted, without discussion, clarification or modification, or the CTCR may discuss with the selected Contractor offers for cost reduction and other elements of the Contractor's proposal. If the CTCR determines that it is unable to reach a contract satisfactory to the CTCR with the selected Contractor, then the CTCR will terminate discussions with the selected Contractor and proceed to the next Contractor in order of selection ranking until a contract is reached or the CTCR has rejected all proposals. The CTCR also reserves the right to postpone the bid award for ninety (90) calendar days after bid opening, except that upon mutual consent of the lowest responsible bidder and the Tribes, the 90-calendar day limit may be extended to allow approval of the bid award. The award of the Contract, if it is awarded, shall be made within thirty (30) calendar days after the date of opening of bids to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder. A Notice of Award will be provided from the Owner to the successful bidder, accompanied by an unsigned counterpart of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation contract and all other Contract Documents. The successful bidder shall execute and deliver a signed CTCR contract within ten (10) calendar days of the Notice of Award. Within ten (10) days thereafter the Contractor shall sign and deliver a counterpart of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation contract to the Tribe with all other Contract Documents attached including bonds and insurance certificates as specified. If the successful bidder fails to deliver a signed contract within ten (10) calendar days, the CTCR may elect to cancel the award or award to the next lowest responsible, responsive bidder. A performance bond and payment bond both in the amount of 100% of the contract price shall be submitted with the signed contract. The required insurance certificates shall be provided by the contractor's insurance agency. The overall project is expected to commence immediately following the successful execution of the contract between CTCR and the awardee, which is expected to be complete by December 15th, 2024. All wireless site construction, splicing, activation, commissioning, provisioning, turn up, testing, and customer activation must be complete no later than October 31st ,2026. This will include all invoicing, documentation, and project close out information.




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Multiple Locations, Nespelem, WA

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