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Published November 18, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a civil project in Thomasville, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Scope of Work to be performed under these Contract Documents is generally described as follows: - Rehabilitation/Upgrade of existing Rains Road Pump Station, including: - Demolition of existing electrical and mechanical components - Epoxy coating of existing structures - Installation of new electrical and mechanical components for 1,740 GPM pump station - Installation of new barscreen structure and equipment - Installation of new permanent back-up diesel pump - Installation of approximately 4,900 LF of 16" DIP forcemain, including: - Approximately 195 LF of 30" steel casing/16" DIP forcemain bore and jack road crossing - 2 EA - Approximately 50 LF of 30" steel casing/16" DIP forcemain open-cut road crossing - Installation of approximately 100 LF of 16" Class 56 DIP forcemain - Temporary bypass pumping/piping required to keep existing pump station operational during construction of proposed work - Northside Pump Station modifications, including: - Equalization basin structure - 12" & 16" DIP sanitary sewer & connection to existing structures The work performed under this Contract shall include but may not be limited to the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and services, whether specifically mentioned or not, that is required to complete the Construction of the Work of the project. All requirements of the State of North Carolina and all pertinent administrative regulations shall apply to this project as if herein written out in full. As of October 28, 2024, a general contractor has not yet been selected for this project. A firm connstruction timeline for this project has not yet been released. Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. An Equal Employment Opportunity Contractor, NC General Contractors # 7706 Will Consider All Quotes Regardless of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, or National Origin and is Soliciting Bids for M/WBE Participation. We are soliciting subcontract bids for the following trades. Work may include, but not limited to: Materials, Paving, Pavement Removal, Bituminous Pavement, Water, Sewer, Electrical, Pump Station, Erosion Control, Traffic Control, Concrete Work, Staking, Stone, Seeding, Mulching, Piping & Valves, Earthwork, Milling, Clearing & Grubbing, Backfilling, Dewatering, Boring & Jacking, Precast Concrete, Roadway and Curb & Gutter & Gutter Replacement, Site Grading, Landscaping, Metals, Wood & Plastics, Coatings, Painting, Demolition, Excavation, Cleaning, Equipment, Quality Control, Topsoiling, & Drainage along with any incidentals and materials necessary for construction to complete the project. Please contact Daniel Lynch at dlynch@jrlynchandsons.com if you have any questions. JRL is willing to review any responsible quote and will negotiate terms, if appropriate. We will notify your firm if your bid is accepted for this project. Please contact Daniel Lynch @ number listed below, if you have not heard from JRL by 11-12-2024 and I will inform you of the status of your bid. If you need assistance with equipment, obtaining bonding, (J.R.L. will furnish bonds for all projects & will help you obtain the proper certification, (if you are not certified.) loan capital, lines of credit, insurance or joint pay agreements, please see JRL terms below or contact us and we will review your needs and direct you to available agencies for assistance. Bonding: It is Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. policy NOT to require M/WBE subcontractors to provide bonding to Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. for their portion of the work. All M/WBE subcontractors will be allowed to work under Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc Performance & Payment Bonds to the Owner. If you would like to obtain a bond on this project to help build your bonding capacity, please let us know through email, phone call or specifying on your quote and we will put you in contact with our Bonding Agent. Financial Assistance: Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. will provide Joint Check Agreements to all M/WBE subcontractors. Please request a Joint Check Agreement in writing. We will work with you and the material vendor to develop a Joint Check Agreement to satisfy all parties. Quick Payments: It is Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. policy to provide Quick Payments to all M/WBE subcontractors. Jimmy R Lynch & Sons, Inc will provide payment to all M/WBE subcontractors on a weekly basis if the work for which payment is being requested is complete and accepted by the Owner. JRL encourages 2nd tier M/WBE Subcontracting opportunities. We encourage our subcontractors to utilize 2nd and 3rd tier M/WBE Subcontractors. Please Submit Quote the Day Prior to Bid Opening Phone: 336-368-4047 Fax: 336-368-4613


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work

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November 26, 2024

January 6, 2025


Rains Rd, Thomasville, NC

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