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Published November 27, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Vancouver, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The Housing Authority of the City of Vancouver (VHA) is issuing this Request for Proposals with the intention of awarding a contract for the purchase services related to the replacement of the fire panel at our Main Street office, in accordance with RCW 39.26. A Contract may be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible proposer. The VHA reserves the right to amend and modify this competitive solicitation. Question Deadline 11/12/2024 at 5:00 PM PT Questions or concerns regarding this competitive solicitation must be direct to Procurement and submitted electronically. Performance and payment bonds of one hundred percent (100%) are required. However, a contractor may request to apply 10% retainage to the contract in lieu of obtaining a performance and payment bond for contracts not exceeding $150,000. To be permittable, a performance and payment bond must meet the requirements set forth in the contract documents. The existing Siemens FAS (formerly Cerberus Pyrotronics) PXL system is no longer supported for replacement of components and is considered to be at "end of life". The purpose of this project is to enhance safety measures for staff and the public by replacing the existing non-addressable panel with a new code compliant addressable panel that integrates and supports the existing fire life safety devices currently installed in the building. Responsible bidders to confirm code requirements for FAS replacement, identify, address and cost out related design implications related with replacement of existing fire panel, pulling associated permits and working with local authorities having jurisdiction to ensure fully code compliant installation. The FAS design for B Use Occupancy per the current Washington State Building Code. Based on 13,070 sf per floor, design assumes 2nd floor occupant load is greater than 100 for B Occupancy: Fire Sprinkler System Monitoring o Confirm Code Implications/Applicable changes based on proposed SOW Elevator Recall o Confirm Code Implications/Applicable changes based on proposed SOW Elevator Emergency Shutdown (Shunt Trip) o Confirm Code Implications/Applicable changes based on proposed SOW Notification throughout the building o Confirm Code Implications/Applicable changes based on proposed SOW Emergency backup lighting o Confirm Code Implications/Applicable changes based on proposed SOW HVAC detection and control (see below) o Confirm Code Implications/Applicable changes based on proposed SOWPower connections to new fire alarm devices, telecommunications equipment, WAPS, control panels and devices. o Confirm Code Implications/Applicability based on proposed SOW Any new systems shall pass all code applicable reviews including but not limited too: NEC, EIA/TIA, NFPA, State and local inspections and all standard acceptance criteria for testing / commissioning Proposals to include owner training and orientation once installed The existing HVAC system consists of 8 separate roof top units (RTU) with fire/smoke dampers (FSD) associated with shaft/floor penetrations. The new FAS design to either incorporate existing RTU/FSD systems into its function or as code allows / requires replace with area detection systems in lieu of duct smoke detectors (for the following reasons): Accessibility to test and maintain area detection vs. duct smoke detectors Testing for area detectors only requires the application of aerosol (canned) smoke vs. the requirement to apply aerosol smoke and to test for the correct draw of air at the sampling tubes with a manometer once per year

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November 26, 2024

December 26, 2024


2500 Main St, Vancouver, WA

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