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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Newport, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Please direct any questions concerning this RFP to Mike Kirkwood, Pend Oreille County Public Works Purchasing. 509-447-4513 or ("ON-CALL FORESTRY CONSULTANT" in subject line). Questions will be posted on-line as they come in and are available for review at any time by any party. It is the intent of the County to award the contract by November 19, 2024. The Pend Oreille County Board of Commissioners is requesting proposals from Forestry Consultants to provide on-call services related to timber management and planning: Consultation-The selected Firm will become familiar with existing forest management plans and provide recommendations for updates of such. Two existing management plans are available upon request. Additionally, the Firm will develop a management plan for those parcels of timber listed in the table below, and other parcels on an as needed basis, including strategies for thinning, harvest and replanting for each. This includes a cost-benefit analysis for each parcel and the County's timber program as a whole. Appendix "A" is a list of these parcels. Inventories-The firm will inventory current volumes for each parcel and make recommendations for increasing volumes, forest health and fire fuel reductions. Harvest-The firm will prepare necessary bid documents that will be incorporated into County bidding forms to be utilized for the sale of timber to mills and hiring of contractors to harvest and deliver the forest products. Maps, permits and all necessary communications with regulatory agencies related to sales will also be included with these services. The firm will work directly with the County on all aspects of sales of timber. Field services-The firm will prepare sale units in the field including marking of trees, boundary marking, road layout, inspections, etc. This work is intended to be all inclusive, from beginning of sale to finalization of sale, including slash disposal, spraying and replanting. Liaison-The firm will provide their services in relation to acting in the capacity of a liaison for the County for any aspect of timber management that may arise. The firm will communicate all findings, make recommendations and under the direction of the County, convey information as needed to parties for those matters at hand. Parcel research and access-Research, negotiate and prepare access easements, cost sharing agreements and cutting line agreements with other agencies and property owners for submission to the County Timber Manager. The consultant will work directly with the Timber Manager to prepare documents for submission to the Board of County Commissioners. Items related to the management of timberlands and sale of forest products as needed- From time-to-time, needs arise that are not specifically described above, but are necessary to the long-term sustainability of the County's timber program. The Firm will be available to assist to applicable needs related to such. Term: These services will be provided on an on-call basis for a term of 36 months from execution of contract. This contract may be renewed for additional three-year terms at the discretion of the County.


Conservation and Development

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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May 1, 2025


Multiple Locations, Newport, WA

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