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Published October 30, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

Broad Street Corridor Improvements Consulting Design and Engineering Services The City of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania is seeking to retain the services of a qualified and experienced design and engineering consultant to design improvements to Broad Street between Elm/Dellwood St and Pennsylvania Ave in the City of Bethlehem, Lehigh and Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Improvements along this corridor will be implemented in two phases, commencing with the eastbound section of Broad St in phase 1 and progressing to the westbound section in phase 2. These improvements will enhance pedestrian and bike safety and increase transit ridership by creating an improved environment for all road users along this corridor. The design phase of this project will begin expeditiously upon execution of the contract and a formal bidding process for the construction phase is to occur in the second quarter of 2026. The construction phase is to begin at the end of the second quarter of 2026 and is to be completed by August 31, 2029. East Broad St improvements will begin at Broad St & Elm /Dellwood St, this is a difficult intersection for crossing pedestrians and cyclist of varying ages who frequent the YMCA. Enhancements planned for this intersection include adding curb bump-outs and a pedestrian refuge island, effectively reducing the distance required to cross. In addition to the curb extensions, ADA ramps and high visibility crosswalks will be installed. Broad St & Maple St is an important crossing point for students attending Thomas Jefferson Elementary School. Curb bump-outs and a pedestrian refuge island will be installed to reduce the distance pedestrians need to cross. Curb ramps will also be upgraded to meet ADA requirements and crosswalks restriped for high visibility. Broad St from Penn St to Center St is a hub for multiple restaurants that draw pedestrians from nearby businesses and residents. Improvements on these blocks will include installation of a tree lined curbed median and curb bump-outs which will allow pedestrians to cross one travel lane at a time. West Broad St Improvements from First Ave to Sixteenth Ave will discourage over speeding and enable safe pedestrian crossing through the introduction of curb bump-outs with ADA ramps on all intersections and painting high visibility & decorative crosswalks. Existing stormwater catch basins impacted by the curb bump-outs will be relocated to ensure proper stormwater management. Six feet wide separated bike lanes will be designated (where feasible) in each direction and will provide sufficient sight distance for cyclist and motorist to avoid incidents at intersections. Additional street trees will be planted between Thirteenth Ave and Sixteenth Ave to create a more pleasant walking environment. Traffic signal improvements at Third, Sixth and Eighth Ave will include revision of the signal phasing period to provide a leading pedestrian interval and installation of no turn on red signage. Improvements at the intersection of Broad St & Pennsylvania Ave/Market St and will entail reducing pedestrian crossing distance on Market St. Additional sidewalk will be installed at the intersection of Broad St & Highland Ave to eliminate existing sidewalk gap located West of 1773 W Broad St residence. Phase 1 and 2 project limits will be milled and overlaid upon completion of the improvements and will include post resurfacing work such as road sealing, line painting and installation of thermoplastic road markings. For more details on all expected improvements refer to Attachment B: Broad Street Active Transportation Plan. The City understands that prospective Proposers may have questions regarding the RFP and this RFP process. All questions must be emailed before 4:30 p.m. EST on or before November 20, 2024, to Geoffrey Karanja at gkaranja@bethlehem-pa.gov. Reserved Rights and Options The City reserves and holds, at its sole discretion, the right to: o Accept any Proposal; o Reject any or all Proposals; o Waive any technicalities, informalities, or irregularities; o Not enter into any transaction; o Terminate consideration or evaluation of any Proposal at any time, for any reason; o Suspend, discontinue, and/or terminate the RFP process for any reason; o Request and/or receive additional information regarding any Proposal; o Revise, supplement, withdraw or cancel all or part of this RFP for any reason; o Conduct investigations with respect to the qualifications and experience of Organizations; o Change the schedule for dates specified in this RFP; o Request best and final offers; and o Take any other action affecting the RFP or the RFP process that is in the City's best interest. The City will handle proposals confidentially during the pre-award period. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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April 1, 2026


E Broad St, Bethlehem, PA

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RFP Engineering - Broad Street Corridor Improvements

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