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Site work for a water / sewer project in Salem, Oregon. Working plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

As of November 12, 2024, no bids receive. The Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) is charged with carrying out the water management policies and rules set by the Water Resources Commission and with overseeing the enforcement of Oregon's water laws. The OWRD is organized into five divisions: Field Services, Technical Services, Water Rights and Adjudica ons, Director's Office, and Administra ve Services. OWRD headquarters and the Northwest Regional Office are in Salem, Oregon. The OWRD also has four other regional offices and 20 small field offices throughout Oregon. The Field Services and Technical Services Divisions manage and administer the gage sta on opera ons and maintenance. The OWRD operates and maintains over 250 gaging sta ons across the state. OWRD invites proposals for its purchase of water measurement devices. See the list of device specifica ons below. This Solicita on is for the construc on of an observa on well located near the City of Merrill in Klamath County Oregon. The Merrill Observa on Well Project includes installa on and development of an observa on well at an Oregon Department of Transporta on owned lot approximately 1 mile northwest of Merrill, Oregon (Figure 1) by an Oregon Licensed driller ("Driller") contracted to OWRD. All work shall be conducted according to established, professional well construc on standards and follow all appropriate OAR and ORS guidelines. The Driller shall conduct work in a manner that priori zes the health and safety of all site personnel. Should these guidelines and/or health and safety concerns conflict with elements of this technical Specifica on, the Driller shall request clarifica on from OWRD before proceeding. The observaon well shall be installed at the approximate coordinates of 42.0376872251, -121.6201586451, in Township 41 South, Range 10 East, Sec on 3 NENE. Final locaton of the well may be determined by site condions and shall be agreed upon by the driller, landowner, and OWRD. The well shall be drilled to a minimum depth of 970 feet below land surface and sealed to at least 930 feet below land surface in order to seal into the volcanic rock. Actual drill depth and well construcon shall be determined by OWRD staff and agreed upon with the driller to maximize the purpose of the project. The subsurface geology is expected to be similar to KLAM 14925. Well construcon shall generally follow that diagrammed in Figure 2, but the driller should recommend an effec ve and efficient approach to drill and construct the well, and provide detailed estmates, assumpons, and descrip ons in support of the Driller's line-item Bid table. Mobiliza on for Services is scheduled to be as soon as prac cal a er the Contract is awarded and to be completed no later than June 30, 2025. The driller shall iden fy their an cipated availability and job dura on in their Proposal. Quesons / Requests for Clarificaon Due October 15th, 2024 5:00 P.M. Answers to Quesons / Requests for Clarificaon Issued (approx.) October 21st, 2024

Final Planning

Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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November 5, 2024

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Multiple Locations, Salem, OR

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