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Published November 6, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Dublin, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number : 0000367165 The Dublin San Ramon Services District is seeking proposals for potable water and recycled water reservoir cleaning and inspection from qualified Contractors. The contract shall be awarded to the contractor based on experience, qualifications, and price. Typical work to be performed under this contract includes cleaning and inspection of potable and recycled water reservoirs, including color photos of the interior, a continuous digital recording (MP4 Format) of the process submitted electronically or via USB drive, bottom debris and residue removal, and a written report that includes recommendations. All work will be completed while the reservoirs are in service, divers and equipment shall be sanitized with chlorine solution prior to entering facilities, and AWWA and Cal-OSHA guideline will be strictly enforced. Contractors shall be certified commercial divers. Only Contractors who are experienced in and qualified to complete such work should submit a proposal. The work to be performed under this contract consists of furnishing all tools, equipment, materials, supplies, and manufactured articles to complete the services as needed. It shall also include the furnishing of all transportation and services, including fuel, power, water, and essential communications, and for the performance of all labor, work, or other operations required for the fulfillment of the contract in strict accordance with the Contract Documents and District's Standard Specifications and Details currently in effect. The Owner will not recognize any claim for additional compensation because of the payment by the contractor of any wage rate in excess of the prevailing wage rates on file as aforesaid. The possibility of a wage increase is one of the elements to be considered by the contractor in determining his/her or its proposal and will not, under any circumstances, be considered as the basis of a claim against the Owner on the contract. The successful proposer and its subcontractors shall employ workers, trades and craftsmen, which constantly display and demonstrate proper moral, ethical and professional conduct to all fellow workers, employees and representatives of the Owner and other involved entities. Cost for work described in each addenda issued during the time of proposing shall be included in the Proposal and the addenda shall become a part of the Contract documents. Proposers shall develop and submit proposals at their own expense. The Owner will not reimburse any costs associated with the development and submittal of any and all Proposals. Question Deadline 11/11/2024 at 11:59 PM PT , Questions are submitted online : No . Questions concerning this project should be submitted via email with the subject line RFP FYE 25 for Potable and Recycled Water Reservoir Cleaning and Inspection and directed to: Dan Pettinichio, 7035 Commerce Circle Pleasanton, CA 94588 , (925) 404-4524, (925) 829-1180, dpettinichio@dsrsd.com. The successful proposer will bring the project to substantially complete by March 31, 2025. In accordance with California Public Contract Code Section 3400, proposers may propose equals of products listed in the plans and specifications by manufacturer name, brand or model number, unless the technical specifications or plans specify that the product is only available from one source or is necessary to match others in use. The Owner reserves the sole right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informality in a proposal. No proposer may withdraw its proposal for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the date set for the opening thereof. The Proposer shall guarantee the total proposal price for a period of sixty (60) calendar days from the date of proposal opening. At the successful Contractor's option, securities may be substituted for the required retention, in accordance with the provisions of Section 22300 of the State of California Public Contract Code. In accordance with the provisions of California Business and Professions Code Section 7028.15, a proposal submitted to the Owner by a Contractor who is not qualified to perform the work in accordance with the qualifications herein shall be considered non-responsive and shall be rejected by the District. ** Bid date info : Electronic proposals contain all required attachments and information. Proposers are cautioned that failure to comply may result in non-acceptance of the proposal. Proposals received after the said date and time will not be considered under any circumstances. The District will not be responsible for any delays or transmission errors. The proposer accepts all risk of late delivery of electronic bids. It is the proposer's responsibility to ensure that a proposal submitted is received by the proposal coordinator listed in this RFP by the due date and time. An email will be sent to confirm receipt of electronic submittal. Such email confirmation only confirms that the 00010-2 Dublin San Ramon Services District Potable and Recycled Water Reservoir Cleaning and Inspection (FYE 2025) September 2020 email was received but does not verify the content nor the completeness of any attachment included.


Water / Sewer

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Multiple Locations, Dublin, CA

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Potable and Recycled Water Reservoir Cleaning and Inspection (FYE 2025)

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