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Saving Project...

Published January 14, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Munster, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

Porter Co. Storm Water Management Board, the Porter Co. Department of Development & Storm Water Management is seeking sealed bids for the project designated as Shorewood Forest Subdivision Ravine Restoration & Storm Sewer Improvements . The project is located along Shorewood Drive, between Kent Court & Pickwick Place, in the Shorewood Forest Subdivision. The subdivision is located in Section 19, Township 35 North, Range 6 West, in Center Township, Porter County, Indiana. The project consists of the installation of new stormwater infrastructure, including the installation of new storm sewers and new storm sewer structures, to replace severely deteriorated existing storm sewers along Shorewood Drive, between Kent Court and Pickwick Place, and the installation of a step pool stormwater conveyance system to stabilize and restore a severely eroded ravine located between 219 and 221 Shorewood Drive. The project includes the removal and abandonment of existing storm sewers and the installation of new storm sewers, via open trench construction, including sawcutting and removing existing pavement, excavating, placing bedding and haunching, laying storm sewer pipe, placing initial backfill, placing final backfill, shaping, trimming and finishing, and cleaning, inspecting, and testing; and, the removal and abandonment of existing storm sewer structures and the installation of new storm sewer structures, via open trench construction, including sawcutting and removing existing pavement, excavating, bedding, setting precast reinforced concrete stormwater structures, placing adjusting rings and castings, backfilling, shaping, trimming, and finishing, and cleaning. It will also include pavement repair and pavement replacement on Shorewood Drive, Kent Court, and Pickwick Place, which will all be disturbed during the performance of the work. Excess excavated material generated during the performance of the work shall be disposed of off-site, at an appropriate and, if applicable, properly permitted off-site location. The project also includes the installation of a step pool stormwater conveyance system, including excavating, placing filter bed mix material, placing riffle mix material, placing cascade, footer, and energy dissipation boulders, constructing riffle weirs, cascade weirs, aprons, runs, glides, and pools, blending with existing adjacent grade, and shaping, trimming, and finishing. It will also include the installation and removal of a temporary haul road to provide construction access to the ravine from Shorewood Drive, including the installation and removal of a temporary stone construction entrance. Excess material used to construct the temporary haul road shall be disposed of off-site, at an appropriate and, if applicable, properly permitted off-site location. The project also includes other items incidental to the work, including clearing and tree removal, maintenance of traffic, erosion and sediment control, and the restoration of areas disturbed during the performance of the work. The work includes the carrying out of all duties and obligations and the furnishing of all labor, material, tools, and equipment, and other incidentals necessary or convenient to the successful completion of the project. Question Deadline 11/25/2024 at 12:00 PM CT All questions about the meaning or intent of the bidding documents or any discrepancies or omissions identified therein are to be submitted to the Porter County Department of Development & Storm Water Management.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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