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Published November 15, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Pigeon Forge is receiving bids for the water treatment plant for the following chemicals: Sodium Hydroxide-25% (Caustic Soda), Sodium Hypochiorite-12.5%, Aqua Mag blended phosphate and DeIPAC 2500 Specifications 1. All chemicals shall comply with the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act and other federal regulations for potable water, as applicable. 2. Chemicals shall be certified as suitable for contact with or treatment of drinking water in accordance with NSF/ANSI Standard 60, Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals-Health Effects. 3. All provisions of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards shall apply to this specification as minimum standards for each chemical advertised. A. For Sodium Hydroxide-25% (Caustic Soda): ANSI/AWWA B501-19, or its most recent revision. B. For Sodium Hypochlorite-12.5%: ANSI/AWWA B300-18, or its most recent revision. C. For Aqua Mag: ANSI/AWWA B507-23, or its most recent revision. D. For DeIPAC 2500: ANSI/AWWA B408-18, or its most recent revision. 4. Bidder Qualifications: A. Only bids from established bidders for work similar in scope to work described herein shall be considered. B. The city reserves the right to request specific reference information prior to award. C. Bidder must submit typical representative certificate of analysis. 5. Quantities: A. Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Hypochlorite and DeIPAC 2500 shall be delivered in cargo tanks in a quantity of 5,000 gallons, more or less. B. Aqua Mag shall be delivered in 330-gallon totes or drums only. Receiving tank inlet is at 20 feet elevation from ground. C. Approximate yearly quantities (may vary): 1. Sodium Hydroxide- 35,000 gallons 2. Sodium Hypochlorite- 60,000 gallons 3. Aqua Mag- 4,500 gallons 4. DelPac 2500- 70,000 gallons 6. Delivery Requirements: A. All deliveries must be made in a timely manner and must be between the hours 7 AM and 3 PM Monday thru Friday to Pigeon Forge Water Treatment Plant at 2432 Library Drive Pigeon Forge, TN 37863. B. The supplier shall provide all necessary equipment to pneumatically unload chemical into storage tanks. C. Certification of weight of material delivered shall be provided with each delivery. D. Each delivery must contain a Certificate of Analysis which includes the following information: o Name of product o Lot number o Chemical, % by weight o Specific gravity o Color o Printed name of analyst E. Chemical will be analyzed by plant personnel before being allowed to off-load. F. Any surcharges such as fuel or insurance or any other fees must be stated on bid sheet. If surcharges are not disclosed at time of bid opening, they will not be accepted. G. Any bid opened and accepted by the City of Pigeon Forge shall be in effect from January 1, 2025 until December 31, 2025. H. Bid price will be good for one year with the option of extending bid price for an additional year period if City and winning bidder agree. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept the bid most favorable to the City.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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2432 Library Dr, Pigeon Forge, TN

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