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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Newport News, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF, Jefferson Lab, J Lab) is looking to procure Magnet Power Supply Standard Concrete Shielding blocks to be utilized in the MOLLER experiment. Site Visit: Will Not Be Held. Any questions related to the RFP/RFQ must be in writing and should be sent by email or by fax to the attention of the Procurement Officer Ebony Beaver or mailed to the Procurement Office business address. For expediency, email is highly preferred. All inquiries regarding this solicitation must be received no later than 12/03/2024 to allow JSA sufficient time to respond. Please reference the solicitation number in your correspondence. Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF, Jefferson Lab, J Lab) is looking to procure thirty (30) Magnet Power Supply (MPS) Standard Concrete Shielding blocks in the dimensions per the specifications located in Attachment 6 of this RFP package. To be considered for award you must submit an offer and the requested information in this RFP package demonstrating your capability and your understanding of Jefferson Lab's requirements. The result of this solicitation will be a firm fixed price subcontract. 1. Unless this RFP expressly authorizes alternate proposals with respect to specific terms or conditions of this RFP, your (1) failure or refusal to assent to any of the terms and conditions of this RFP, (2) proposal of additional terms or conditions, or (3) omission of any material information, will constitute a deficiency, which may make your offer unacceptable to Jefferson Lab. 2. While Jefferson Lab may work with the offeror through the discussion process to correct proposal omissions, errors or deficiencies, J Lab reserves the right to award this subcontract based upon the initial offers received, without discussions. Therefore, J Lab warns all offerors to consult with the procurement officer before submitting an offer that proposes a different design or product unless such alternate design or products are encouraged by the Technical Specifications. J Lab also reserves the right to conduct discussions and to permit offerors to revise their proposals if we think it is in our interests to do so. 3. When evaluating your capability to perform the prospective subcontract (see Evaluation Factors for Award) J Lab will consider how well you complied with the outlined instructions to offerors. J Lab will consider any significant failure to comply with these instructions to be indicative of what we could expect from you during subcontract performance. Please contact the procurement officer by telephone or email if you do not understand any part of these instructions. 4. Offerors must submit their proposals in an electronic format.



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To Be Determined, Newport News, VA

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