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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Napa, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Napa County Department of Public Works is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) seeking proposals from qualified companies to provide contract pricing for custodial services at various County locations. Pursuant to the Property Service Workers Protection Act, all proposers must have a valid registration with the California Labor Commissioner's Office at the time of proposal submission. The selected contractor will provide routine, periodic specialty, and non-routine/emergency custodial services at various County locations. There are fourteen (14) service locations with service needs ranging from routine weekly services at remote locations to scheduled periodic specialty services. Additionally, contractor will provide non-routine and emergency custodial services as needed. See Attachment A for list of routine service locations and scope of work. Term of contract is anticipated to be five (5) years, comprised of an initial three (3) year term with the provision of two (2) additional one (1) year terms. The contract start date is anticipated to be July 1, 2025. December 12, 2024 Questions Due by 4:00 p.m. (PT) December 20, 2024 Responses to questions will be published Questions about this RFP shall be submitted via email by Amanda Exum, Staff Services Analyst All Proposals become the property of the County. The County reserves the right to reject any and all submittals; to request clarification of information submitted; to request additional information from competitors; and to waive any irregularity in the submission and review process. None of the materials submitted will be returned to the Respondent unless they are not submitted in a timely manner. Proposals will become a public record and available for release to the public upon selection of a successful Respondent and an Intent to Award Notification is distributed. Respondents shall specify in their cover letter if they desire that any portion of their Proposal be treated as proprietary and not releasable as public information. If Respondent chooses to claim any information as proprietary, it must specify those sections in the cover letter and provide any legal justification for treatment as such. However, respondents should be aware that all such requests may be subject to legal review and challenge. In such event, each Respondent shall be responsible for the legal defense against the release of their Proposal as public information. The County reserves the right to award an agreement without further competition based on the responses received to this RFP. The County reserves the right to request additional information not included in this RFP from any or all Respondents after proposal due date. The County reserves the right to contact references not provided in the submittals. The County reserves the right to incorporate its standard language into any contract resulting from this solicitation. The County's contract template is attached for reference. Templates are attached for reference only and do not need to be signed or returned with proposal. The County reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals or any part of a Proposal if it is determined it is not in the best interest of the County. The County reserves the right to reject the proposal of any submitter who previously failed to perform properly, or complete on time, contracts of a similar nature, or to reject the Proposal of a respondent who is not in a position to perform such a contract satisfactorily. The County may reject the Proposal of any respondent who is in default of the payment of taxes, or other monies due to Napa County.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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