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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Shawano, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.
2025 CIP Street & Utility Reconstruction Project PROJECT DESCRIPTION (1) Furnish and place all signs, barricades and drums necessary to properly control traffic during construction. (2) Install erosion control devices (inlet protection) as required prior to construction. (3) Clear and grub trees designated for removal and properly dispose of these trees and roots in approved areas. (4) Saw-cut all pavements prior to removal for butt joints with new pavement. Pulverize, remove, haul and stockpile existing asphalt pavement and base course as designated by the Engineer / Owner. Remove existing concrete pavements as necessary to install utility improvements and construct street improvements. Properly dispose of all removed clean concrete at the Shawano Landfill on Rusch Road (M-F 7am - 3pm). Salvaged pulverized pavement and base may be hauled and stockpiled at the snow storage area behind the parking lot on the north side of the 100 block of Elizabeth Street or the Shawano Landfill. (5) Remove and properly dispose of all existing manholes, sewer mains, and laterals designated to be removed. Install sanitary sewer and all appurtenances in accordance with the plans and specifications. Connect existing sanitary sewers to remain to new sanitary manholes. Install new sanitary laterals from the new main to the property line. Reconnect to existing laterals at the property line. Furnish and properly install tracer wire. Backfill and compact excavated areas. All cost involved in stone bedding material, DEWATERING, or temporary pumping flow control, etc., shall be considered incidental and shall be the Contractors sole responsibility. (6) Remove and properly dispose of all existing watermain, water services, valves and hydrants designated to be removed. Install watermain and all appurtenances in accordance with the plans and specifications. Connect existing watermain (to remain) to new watermain. Install new water services from the new main to the property line, install new water service shut-off and connect to existing water service. Furnish and properly install tracer wire. Backfill and compact excavated areas. The Contractor shall assume responsibility for issues related to temporary service connection or reconnection of the water service. (7) Remove and replace, all concrete sidewalks, driveways and curb & gutter designated to be removed and replaced as shown on the plans. Properly dispose of all removed concrete sidewalks, driveways, and curb & gutter at the Shawano Landfill on Rusch Road. (8) Excavate any excess material from streets as shown on the plans as designated to be removed. Haul excess material to the clean fill site on Engel Drive or to a designated area within the City limits as directed by the engineer. Compact and proof roll subgrade as necessary for assurance of solid street foundation. (9) Place geotextile grid with required overlaps on the prepared subgrade as shown on the plans and/or directed by the engineer. (10) Load, haul, place, and compact salvaged asphaltic pavement (3"-5" compacted thickness) from the snow storage site and crushed concrete base course (4"-6" thickness) from the landfill over prepared subgrade on project streets to achieve a total compacted base course thickness as shown on the typical section for street construction. (11) Fine grade base course for asphalt paving. Any soft street areas shall be brought to the attention of the engineer for examination and determination of possible excavation of soft area prior to paving. Adjust all manhole castings and valve boxes to match new pavement elevations. Finish street grading shall be completed prior to final adjustment of manhole castings and valve boxes. Furnish, place and compact hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement, in two (2) courses, over properly prepared base course. (12) Site restore disturbed street areas with pulverized topsoil, fertilize, seed and mulch for reestablishment of urban grass lawn. Proper compaction of the topsoil and seed-to-soil contact shall be performed to a finished elevation of the new adjacent street sidewalks, curbs and driveways. The contractor shall be responsible for successful establishment of vegetation (grass), in all of the disturbed areas. (13) Perform site clean-up and remove traffic control. Est. Completion Date: Oct. 31, 2025 Pre-Qualification: Yes Description: Official Notice to Bidders City of Shawano, Wisconsin 2025 Cip Street & Utility Reconstruction Project Estimate of Quantities 1,180 Lf of Sanitary Sewer W/ Manholes 920 Lf of Watermain 32 Ea Sanitary Laterals & 30 Ea Water Services 280 Lf of Storm Sewer W/ Catch Basins 2,300 Lf of Concrete Curb and Gutter 5,680 Sf of Concrete Sidewalk/driveway 4,270 Sy of Hma Pavement 3 Blocks of Street Grading & Lawn Restoration
GC Bidding
Sidewalks / Parking Lot
Public - City
Paving, Site Work
Documents for this project are exclusively Plans. If Specifications become available, we will add them here.
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