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Published January 8, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Avondale, Arizona. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The City of Avondale (the "City") is issuing this Request For Qualifications (this "RFQ") seeking statements of qualifications ("SOQ") from qualified, licensed firms ("Vendors") interested in providing water system line replacement and expansion design services (the "Services"). Final Date for Inquiries: January 6, 2025, 5:00pm Questions shall only be accepted through Electronically. RFQ Administrator: Laura Robinson, larobinson@avondaleaz.gov, 623-333-2046 Short Listed Notice: Week of January 30, 2025 Notice of Intent to Award: February 10, 2025 Anticipated Notice to Proceed: March 3, 2025 The City of Avondale (the "City") is issuing this Request For Qualifications (this "RFQ") seeking statements of qualifications ("SOQ") from qualified, licensed firms ("Vendors") interested in providing water system line replacement and expansion design services (the "Services"), as more particularly described in the Scope of Work. The construction of the water system line replacement and expansion design services may be completed through a Design-Bid-Build ("DBB") project delivery method. The procurement for the ("DBB") will be solicited separately. In accordance with the City's Procurement Code, the City will accept sealed SOQ for the Services specified in the Scope of Work. The City intends to engage the service(s) of a firm having specific experience and qualifications in one or each of the areas identified in this RFQ. For consideration, SOQs for the project must provide evidence of the firm's experience and abilities in the specified area(s) and other disciplines directly related to the proposed service. Award of Agreement Evaluation; Selection. A Selection Committee composed of representatives from the City will conduct the selection process according to the section Timeline. The Selection Committee will create a final ranking of the Vendors based strictly on qualifications and using the criteria and weighting shown in PART 3 and PART 5 of this RFQ. The Selection Committee will rank the SOQ, developing a single final (short) list of at least three (3) and not more than five (5) of the highest ranked Vendors. Total points will be utilized as a tiebreaker. No interviews will be conducted during this phase of the selection process. If there are less than three firms that submit SOQ, the number of firms ranked will be adjusted accordingly. Oral Interviews. The Selection Committee will provide interview criteria and conduct interviews with the firms on the short list. Interviews shall be for the purpose of clarification to assure full understanding of the solicitation requirements and for each firm to demonstrate why they are the best qualified to perform the services required. After the interview, the Selection Committee shall select at least three (3) and not more than five (5) highest ranked firms for the final list using ordinal scores based only on the selection criteria and relative weight of the selection criteria specified as provided in PART 4 of this RFQ and rank the firms on the final list in order of preference, of one to three most qualified Vendors. The City will select the firms on the final list and their order on the final list solely through the results of the interview process. Form of Agreement. The highest ranked Vendor will be required to immediately begin negotiations following the City's notice of intent to award, in order to meet the target award date as listed in this RFQ. The selected Vendor will be required to execute the City's standard Professional Services Agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. A sample of the Professional Services Agreement is included with this RFQ. The City may terminate negotiations at any time if the City determines that it will not be able to satisfactorily negotiate a contract by the target award date listed in this RFQ. If the City is unsuccessful in negotiating an Agreement with the highest-ranked Vendor, the City may then negotiate with the second, then third, highest-ranked Vendor until an Agreement is executed. City Council approval may be required. The City reserves the right to terminate the selection process at any time. Award. The City may award one (1) contract for Vendors to provide the Design Services, or multiple contracts for different phases of a single project. Oral Waiver; Rejection; Reissuance. Notwithstanding any other provision of this RFQ, the City expressly reserves the right to: (1) waive any immaterial defect or informality, (2) reject any or all SOQ or portions thereof and (3) cancel or reissue an RFQ. Protests. Any Vendor may protest this RFQ, the proposed award of an Agreement, or the actual award of an Agreement. All protests will be considered in accordance with the City Procurement Code. The City reserves the right to cancel a RFQ, reject in whole or in part any or all submittals or determine not to enter into one or more of the multiple contracts as specified in the solicitation if the City determines in its absolute and sole discretion that such action is in the best interest of the City. Scope of Services The design shall also include relocating the water service connections from the rear of the residential parcels to the frontage of the parcels with new meter boxes and within dedicated right-of-way. Individual parcel service line designs and rights-of-entry shall need to be obtain from the parcel owners to establish new service connections. The new water system will also include reconnection of a service feed to the Hidalgo neighborhood at the intersection of Southern Avenue and El Mirage Road as well as a new service line to the Diamondback Materials facility on the southwest corner of Southern Avenue and El Mirage Road. Design shall include the disconnection and in-place abandonment of the existing water mains throughout the subdivision. Design may also include the abandonment of two PRV sites at the tie-in location to the newer DIP water main in Southern Avenue and will also include the abandonment of any remaining physical infrastructure at an old abandoned well site (Well #30) located at 6020 S. 121st Avenue. It is the City's desire to have a significant Public Relations outreach effort during design to include Community Meetings at a 60% and 90% design stage and well as all coordination and permitting with the County, third party utility conflict resolution, existing easement research, legal description preparation, bidding services and construction administrations services. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Water / Sewer


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March 3, 2025


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RFQ Engineering - Water System Line Replacement and Expansion

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