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Site work for a civil project in Woodridge, Illinois. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Site Address: Multiple Sites City: Woodridge County: DuPage State/Province: IL Site Directions: The Well 2 site address 7642 Woodridge Drive, Woodridge, IL 60517. The Well 3 site is on the first property east of the Lisle-Woodridge Fire District Station 53, 3101 Woodridge Drive, Woodridge, IL 60517. The Well 6 site is approximately 100-feet south of the 75th Street ROW at 1575 75th Street, Woodridge, IL 60517. Pre-Bid Meeting Info: No Pre-Bid Meeting for this Project Description: The work shall be performed at three different sites within the Village of Woodridge. Only one well shall be out of service due to Contractor's activities throughout the duration of the Contract. The Well 2 site address 7642 Woodridge Drive, Woodridge, IL 60517. The Village has additional potable water facilities on this site including an elevated water tower and water supply structures. The work includes rehabilitating the well pump to a like new condition. The Well 3 site is on the first property east of the Lisle-Woodridge Fire District Station 53, 3101 Woodridge Drive, Woodridge, IL 60517. The Village has additional potable water facilities on this site including an elevated water tower and water supply structures. The work includes rehabilitating the well pump to a like new condition. The Well 6 site is approximately 100-feet south of the 75th Street ROW at 1575 75th Street, Woodridge, IL 60517. The Well 6 Well House is immediately east of the Woodridge Elevated Water Tower on the same site. The Village has additional potable water facilities on this site including water supply structures. The site is in incorporated Woodridge and is under the control of the Village. The work includes rehabilitating the well pump to a like new condition. Delete the entire paragraph and replace with "This work shall consist of constructing a trench or excavation for the purpose of locating existing underground facilities within the limits of the proposed improvement." This work consists of performing color video and audio recording of the project area and other areas which may be impacted by construction. Video recordings will include construction easements when applicable. Video recordings will provide a visual record of all physical features within those areas, including, but not limited to, roadways, pavements, curbs, gutters, driveways, driveway aprons, sidewalks, JULIE marks, carriage walks, parkways, trees, landscaping, shrubbery, plantings, landscaping walls, retaining walls,signs,sign posts, fences, utility poles, light poles, utilities, equipment, manholes, b-boxes, cleanouts, valves, curb structures, pipelines, buildings, mailboxes, and any other features located within the project area. Video recordings will begin with an audio narrative which provides the current date and time, the name of Owner and name of project, and a description of both the starting location and the location or locations to be recorded, including street name or names, street addresses, and any additional information which may be necessary to describe the location and subject of viewing. Video recordings will maintain viewer orientation by means of an audio commentary in the audio track of each video recording which provides an explanation of what is being viewed; and by videotaping landmarks and readily identifiable objects (property addresses, street signs, etc.) at appropriate intervals. The audio portion shall be recorded by a technician during the time of videotaping. Overdubbing after the video recording is prohibited. Preconstruction video recordings will be recorded at a rate of travel that will deliver clear video of all items being viewed. Zooming and panning rates will be controlled to provide clarity of features during playback. The finished product will provide a stable image with bright, clear pictures and accurate colors free from distortion. The audio will have proper volume and clarity. All recordings will be performed at times of satisfactory visibility, and when no more than ten percent of ground is obscured by snow, leaves, or other cover. If any element within or portion of the project area is not adequately documented by the preconstruction video recording, so as to definitively demonstrate its condition prior to the start of construction, Contractor will assume responsibility for the repair, restoration or replacement of that element or portion of the project area. Such repair, restoration or replacement will be to equal or better condition than previously existing and will further comply with all standards and provisions which govern the work in question. General The Work to be performed generally consists of furnishing labor, materials, equipment, and supervision as required by the Contract Documents for furnishing, installing, testing and placing into operation the Water Well Rehabilitation including related accessory equipment. The types of Work to be performed include but are not limited to the following: 1. Mobilizing and Demobilizing 2. Pulling the Existing Well Pumps (only one well to be out of service at any time throughout the duration of the Contract). 3. Transporting the Well Pumps and Well Motors to Contractors facility for inspection and rehabilitation work. 4. Inspection of equipment and providing summary report with Contractor's recommendations. 5. After authorization of the Owner, performing rehabilitation of the well pumps and motors. 6. Transport well pump to the Work site and reinstall the well pumps. 7. Disinfect, the wells and pump equipment. 8. Test the rehabilitated well pumps. This Section covers the rehabilitation of Owner's three limestone wells and well pumps. The specified work covers the maintenance / refurbishing / rehabilitation / replacement of the existing submersible and vertical line shaft well pumps and motor assemblies and associated accessories. The extent of the work to be performed shall be dependent upon the condition of the pump and motor identified after the pump and motor are removed from the wells and inspected by the Contractor's qualified technicians in the presence of Village Staff and/or the Village's designated representative(s). The work requires pulling the pump and motor, performing a complete inspection of the pump motor and accessories, providing and installing a new pump bowl assembly, performing maintenance, repairs or replacement as determined from the inspection, disinfecting and re-installation the rehabilitated pump and motor, testing of the re-installed pump, and returning the rehabilitated pumps to active service as specified herein. All inspections, maintenance or repair of the existing submersible Byron Jackson pump shall be by Flowserve / Byron Jackson factory certified technicians (no exceptions allowed). All components, fittings, connectors, supports and anchors where required, shall be included under this Section of Work. Note: Due to the nature of well, pump and motor, and accessory rehabilitation work, the work activities to be performed and the quantities for those work activities are based on estimates provided by well drillers/well pump contractors based on their experience with similar projects. The work activities and the quantities for those work activities will vary with the condition of the well, pump and motor, and accessories determined as these items are inspected during the rehabilitation project. Payment will be based on the actual work activities and quantities performed to restore or replace each of the three wells to a like new condition. The actual quantities for work activities and pay items may be expected to vary from 0 (no work) to a quantity required to fully restore the item. Increases to the Unit prices bid will not be allowed should the actual quantity of work performed vary significantly from the quantities bid for the work activities. 104.01 Intent of the Contract. Add the following at the end of this Section: Any work not specified on the plans or herein which may be implied as being included in this Contract, of which the Engineer shall be the judge, shall be done by the Contractor without extra charge. 104.02 Alterations, Cancellations, Extensions and Deductions, and Extra Work. Delete paragraph four (4) and subparagraphs b and d of paragraph six (6). 104.07 Value Engineering Proposals. Delete this article in its entirety.

GC Bidding

Water / Sewer


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