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Published February 24, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and renovation of a civil project in Avon Park, Florida. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and water / sewer project.

The City of Avon Park is accepting sealed bids for: Lake Tulane Master Lift Station Relocation and Upgrades The City of Avon Park is seeking proposals from qualified companies to provide and install the following: 8-inch and 12-inch PVC DR 18 Force Main, and 24 PVC SDR 26 Gravity Sewer piping, 12-inch HDPE DR 11 Force Main piping, install Master Lift Station inclusive of generator, bypass pump, and controls, SCADA improvements, air release valves, manholes, roadway replacement and mill and resurface, concrete paving, #57 stone, and chain link fence, as well as all improvements necessary for the completion of construction and any additional materials to provide a complete and operating system. Bypass pumping, demolition, and restoration of existing lift station and conversion to a manhole. Connection to existing force main. An original and two (2) copies of all bids, including all executed documents and needed attachments, shall be placed in a sealed envelope, marked 25-01: SEALED BIDS FOR Lake Tulane Master Lift Station Relocation and Upgrades, and delivered prior to the bid opening deadline. Question Deadline 02/11/2025 at 4:00 PM ET All questions shall be directed to Andy Mogle, and will be accepted for addenda in order to provide sufficient time for City to respond appropriately to addenda. Questions pertaining to the construction documents must be addressed to Andy Mogle, Purchasing Agent, City of Avon Park, 110 E. Main Street, Avon Park, FL 33825, (amogle@avonpark.city). Responding to the Invitation to Bid The City of Avon Park shall be the sole judge of the bid and the resulting agreement that is in its best interest and its decision shall be final. All bidding and award procedures undertaken by the City in regard to this project shall be consistent with the Citys adopted procurement procedures. All persons and firms wishing to submit a bid must obtain a complete copy of the Invitation to Bid online, or by contacting Andy Mogle, Purchasing Agent, by email at (amogle@avonpark.city) Faxed or e-mailed responses will not be accepted. Responses may be hand delivered, mailed, or delivered via courier service to the following address: PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS: Available for review at the City of Avon Park Public Works office: 2301 US 27 South Avon Park, FL 33825 The failure of a Bidder to submit acknowledgement of any addenda that affects the bid price(s) may be considered an irregularity and may be cause for rejection of the bid. The Owner/Engineer is not responsible for delivery of addenda to prospective bidders. All persons or firms must submit a W-9 and a current Public Entity Crimes Statement with their response. DELIVERY/MAILING ADDRESS CITY CLERK CITY OF AVON PARK 110 E MAIN STREET AVON PARK, FL 33825 General Information and Requirements 1. In accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, all bids received, and all materials contained therein, once opened are public record, and subject to disclosure to any person, organization, or firm, including other firms responding to this invitation to bid. 2. In accordance with section 287.133, Florida Statutes, a person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid or proposal on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity and may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in section 287.017-for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. 3. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, or part thereof, to waive any informalities or technicalities, or to award contracts in the best interest of the City. In all instances, the Citys decision shall be final. 4. The City of Avon Park is exempt from taxes imposed by the State and Federal Government. Bids shall not include any taxes or fees. 5. Prospective firms must submit proposals strictly in accordance with the specifications outlined in the Invitation to Bid. Each variance, if any, to the specifications shall be specifically stated in the bid. 6. Prospective firms warrant by virtue of submission of bids that all prices, terms, and conditions stated shall be honored for a period of ninety (90) days after the opening of bids. Any changes at the time an order is placed shall result in automatic disqualification of the vendor. 7. The original bid shall be signed, in blue ink, by a corporate officer, partner, or proprietor. 8. The City reserves the right to reject any or all items if in its judgment the item does not meet the needs of the City, or for any reason it deems suitable. 9. Prospective firms are hereby warned not to contact any City employee or official on matters relating to this Invitation to Bid, except as indicated herein. Any attempt to do so, or engaging in lobbying or any other activity interfering with the evaluation process may result in immediate disqualification of the vendor from any City business. 10. The performance of the City of Avon Park and its obligation to pay under this contract is contingent upon annual appropriation by the City Council of Avon Park. 11. Prospective firms quoting State of Florida contract pricing must provide the state contract number and date of expiration in their bids or proposals. Firms will be required to provide a copy of the entire contract prior to the placing of orders by the City. 12. Prospective firms hereby warrant by virtue of submission of bids that any and all terms, conditions, and requirements as stated in this document are valid, enforceable, and binding upon the selected vendor. Specific Information and Requirements 1. Answers to questions submitted about this Invitation to Bid or the Project will be provided to all known prospective bidders. 2. The selected firm may not discriminate against any employee employed in the performance of services, or against any applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, handicap, national origin, age, gender, or marital status. 3. Bids shall include all information required in the Invitation to Bid. Bidders shall use City standard forms as included in the Invitation to Bid to submit all information, or shall follow the format dictated or include the information required herein where no form is provided. Bid documents shall be arranged in order as indicated on the Bid Contents Form. 4. The City will allow the use of approved subcontractors or third parties in performing work outlined in this Invitation to Bid. Evaluation of Bids The City of Avon Park shall be the sole judge of the bid and the resulting agreement that is in its best interest and its decision shall be final. All bidding and award procedures undertaken by the City in regard to this project shall be consistent with the Citys adopted procurement procedures. The City reserves the right to seek clarification from prospective firms on any issue in a bid, or take any other action it feels necessary to properly evaluate the bids and construct a solution in the Citys best interest.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Renovation, Site Work





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S Lake Blvd, Avon Park, FL

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City of Avon Park Lake Tulane Master Lift Station Relocation and Upgrades

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