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Published February 18, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Spanish Fork, Utah. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Nebo School District (the "School District") is accepting Statements of Qualifications ("SOQ") from qualified and licensed General Contractors (the "General Contractors") for the addition of a new air-cooled chiller to the HVAC system, set within a newly constructed chiller compound made of chain link fence with slates at Spanish Oaks Elementary and Westside Elementary. The contractor is required to make modifications to the existing boiler room to accommodate a new twopipe cooling and heating system. Additionally, sections of the existing piping throughout the mechanical mezzanine will be replaced to support this upgrade (the "Project"). Both of these elementary schools are located in Spanish Fork, Utah. In addition, the third school, Goshen Elementary, located in Goshen, Utah, includes the addition of a new air-cooled chiller to the school's HVAC system, set within a newly constructed chiller compound made of chain link fence with slates. The contractor will modify the existing boiler room to accommodate a new two-pipe cooling and heating system. Additionally, the contractor is to install fan coils provided by the owner while retrofitting them with new coils to suit the new cooling/heating system, the contractor will also be required to run new cooling/heating piping throughout the building. The project also requires modifications to existing air handlers and associated ductwork to fit new cooling/heating coils, adding VFDs to the air handlers, and upgrading the relief air fan system (the "Project"). The estimated cost of this Project is around 1-2 million per elementary location. Nebo School District may contract with one or more General Contractors on this Project. General Contractors submitting a SOQ are cautioned not to contact members of the Evaluation Committee, the Board of Education, or District Administration personnel, other than the designated contact person designated below, throughout the RFSOQ process as of the date hereof. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in disqualification from consideration. Contact for RFSOQ Clarifications: Ryan Pitcher, District Chief Procurement Officer Nebo School District 350 South Main Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 Telephone No. 801-354-7433 Email: ryan.pitcher@nebo.edu. Payment and Performance Bonds. Concurrent with the signing of the Independent Contractor Agreement with the School District, the General Contractor shall provide to the School District the payment and performance bonds in the full amount of the contract price. Nebo School District reserves the right to reject any or all SOQ submittals, or to waive any formality or technicality in any SOQ submittal, in the best interests of the School District. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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Multiple Locations, Spanish Fork, UT

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