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Published March 10, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a communication facility in Newark, New Jersey. Completed plans call for site work for a communication facility.

This post is to request a quote for the subject project (SIR # 25-19006839 - Install (FOTS) Fiber Optic Transmitting System in Newark, NJ). Attached you will find all documents needed for providing a complete bid. LINE ITEM: 00001 Installation of 2 new duct bank sections for FOTS The Acquisition Management System (AMS) applies to FAA in place of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and various other provisions of Federal acquisition law. The contractor is responsible for furnishing all materials, (unless noted otherwise in the contract documents) equipment, labor, transportation, insurance, notifications, licenses, permits, fees, and supervision necessary to perform the work described in the attached Statement of Work, Specifications, Drawings, and other attachments posted to this RFP. The Contractor (you) must perform, using your own organization, work equivalent to at least 51% percent of the total amount of work under the contract on the site. Please confirm that your organization will be completing at least 51% of the work. (YES or NO) The CO may modify this contract to reduce this percentage if you request a reduction and the CO determines that it would be to the Government's advantage to do so. Contractors must be registered with the System for Award Management, www.sam.gov on the date established for receipt of offers Thursday, February 27, 2025 by 5:00 pm CT. Reference AMS Clause 3.3.1-33 "if the Offeror does not become registered in the SAM database in the time prescribed by the Contracting Officer, the Contracting Officer may proceed to award to the next otherwise successful registered Offeror." The governments estimated timeframe for completion is 30 number of days from the time of notice to proceed. Offers providing less than 120 calendar days for Contract Authority acceptance after the date offers are due will not be considered and will be rejected. This project will be a total small business set aside under NAICS code 238210: Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors. It is mandatory to include your SAM.gov UEI that you are quoting this project under, if this is not included your bid will be considered unacceptable. The Davis Bacon Act will apply and is attached. It is the contractors responsibility to use the most recent Wage Determination throughout the duration of work. Wage determinations can be found on SAM.gov. The most recent Wage Determination is attached. Request for site visit must be provided to the contract specialist, Jennifer Perry, NLT Thursday, February 13, 2025, by 5:00 pm CT. Questions are due NLT Thursday, February 20, 2025, by 5:00 pm CT. If a site visit is requested the date for questions will be updated and provided in an amendment. Quotes will be due Thursday, February 27, 2025 by 5:00 pm CT. An amendment will be provided if this date is changed. Quotes should be submitted on company letterhead. Quotes must include a completed schedule of values. Because this project is expected to exceed $150,000.00 bonds are required. A firm-fixed-price type construction contract will be awarded as a result of this RFP. This will be set-aside for small business. This will be awarded as Lowest Price Technically Acceptable. The Range of Magnitude is between $100,000 - $250,000. Any responses received after 5:00 p.m. CST, Thursday, February 27, 2025, by 5:00 pm CT, may not be considered in accordance with AMS provision, Late Submissions, Modifications, and Withdrawals of submittal vendor's response may be determined ineligible. Ensure all responses use SIR # 25-19006839 - Install (FOTS) Fiber Optic Transmitting System in Newark, NJ in the subject line and include Jennifer Perry on all correspondence. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TECHNICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA: A technically acceptable Offeror has no exclusions in SAM and no recent (3 years) contract deficiencies, i.e. negative contract actions, charges, defaults or poor performance findings. FACTOR 1: Relevant Experience and Relevant Past Performance A distinction must be made between past performance and experience. Past performance represents "how well" an Offeror accomplished the effort. Experience simply means an Offeror has 'done it.' Past Performance and Experience must be current and relevant as well as similar in scope (effort) and complexity to that described in the SOW. Past performance and experience shall be understood to mean within the previous 5 years from the SIR release date. Sub-factor 1.1: Relevant Experience: The Offeror must complete and submit a minimum of two (2) Experience Information forms. All blocks must be filled in and all data must be accurate, current and complete. All projects submitted must have been underway or completed within the last five (5) years and the projects must be valued at over $100,000. If the Offeror does not have prior prime contracts to cite, then the Offeror may cite instances on which it has served as a primary subcontractor. (Reference the attached Experience Information Form) Evaluation: Acceptable - Documentation provided demonstrates suitable, as listed above, experience similar to the requirement. There appears to be good probability of success with overall low degree of risk in meeting the Government requirements. Unacceptable - The Experience Information Form demonstrates little to no documentation to determine acceptable experience. Sub-Factor 1.2: Relevant Past Performance Each Experience Information Form must include a contact information for the Point of Contact (POC) on a previous project. i.e. email address and phone number. Each POC may be contacted to report the Offerors conduct on the specific job submitted. The Offeror will define subcontractors and/or partnerships that will be used on the project. Past performance will be evaluated based upon inputs received from the Offerors clients that are familiar with the work of the offeror. Offerors will be evaluated as to whether their company has a proven track record of timeliness of performance, quality of service, financial stability, and customer satisfaction. The FAA reserves the right to contact customers listed as references and apply its findings in the final determination. Evaluation: Acceptable - Both references provide information that the Offeror maintains all positive records of timeliness of performance, quality of service, financial stability and customer satisfaction based on feedback from the project manager/Contracting Officer. Unacceptable - References provide information that the Offeror has demonstrated an objectionable record of timeliness of performance, quality of service, financial stability, and/or customer satisfaction. FACTOR 2: Technical Acceptability The Offeror must demonstrate/possess the ability to Install concrete-encased duct-bank within the AOA at EWR Airport in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications. - Sub-factor 2.1-Narrative The Offeror must submit a narrative of how they intend to accomplish the requirements solicited in the SIR. No pricing information shall be submitted within the narrative. Evaluation: Acceptable: The submitted narrative lists how the contractor intends to accomplish the requirements solicited in the Statement of Work or Specifications. Unacceptable: The submitted narrative has no documentation to determine how the contractor will accomplish the requirements solicited in the Statement of Work or Specifications provided. Proposals with an unacceptable rating will not be considered for award. -Sub-Factor 2.2 - Work Plan The Offeror must include a complete work plan developed from the major requirements listed in the Statement of Work (SOW) stated below: The major requirements that must be included in the work plan are: Ground penetrating radar and cable location and marking utilities. Installation of new duct bank in two separate locations to connect existing FAA infrastructure within the EWR AOA. Duct bank shall consist of 2-4" concrete encased PVC conduit with three (3) 1-1/4" smooth wall inner duct and an appropriate grounding system in accordance with FAA-STD-19f. The Contractor is responsible for verifying all dimensions and ensuring the provided proposal reflects actual on-site conditions. Pulling of new cable as described in drawings. GPRS shall be performed, and penetrations and connections into shelter shall be performed in accordance with FAA and Port Authority standards and requirements. Badging, safety, and plan to address the likelihood of night work on a strict schedule shall be addressed. Method for site restoration after duct-bank installation. Install duct-bank per drawing, specs, FAA STD 19F, and the FOTS Installation handbook. Contractor shall be badged and adhere to all PANYNJ requirements. Evaluation: Acceptable: The proposal meets all the minimum mandatory requirements stated above in the work plan. Only those proposals determined acceptable, either initially or as a result of discussions, will be considered for award. Unacceptable: Fails to meet all the minimum mandatory requirements stated above in the work plan. Proposals with an unacceptable rating will not be considered for award. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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Newark, NJ - FOTS Fiber Optic Transmitting System

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