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Published February 13, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in New York, New York. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Sources Sought Notice This is a Sources Sought Notice (a) The Government does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this Sources Sought or to otherwise pay for the information solicited. (b) Although "proposal," "offeror," contractor, and "offeror" may be used in this sources sought notice, any response will be treated as information only. It shall not be used as a proposal. The Government is seeking information for market research purposes only. (c) Any information received from a contractor in response to this Sources Sought may be used in creating a solicitation. Any information received which is marked with a statement, such as "proprietary" or "confidential," intended to restrict distribution will not be distributed outside of the Government, except as required by law. (d) This Sources Sought is issued by VISN 2 Contracting Office in Albany, NY for the purpose of collecting information about Brooklyn & Saint Albans Annual Generator Load Bank Testing at The New York Harbor Healthcare System - Brooklyn Campus 800 Poly Place Brooklyn, NY 11209 and New York Harbor Healthcare System St. Albans CLC 179-00 Linden Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11425. The VA is seeking to provide for this requirement as one time service. The NAICS code identified for this requirement is 811310 Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance. The requirement is detailed in the draft Statement of Work section of this document. (e) Cursory market research has identified small businesses that may be able to provide for this requirement. Contractors that are able to meet the requirements in the attachment and possess an interest in performing these service or providing for these items, are encouraged to email a capability statement and full information to Anthony Murray at Anthony.Murray2@va.gov and Charles Collins at Charles.Collins@va.gov. - Part of the purpose of this sources sought is to determine the viability of set aside to a specific socio-economic category(service-disabled veteran owned small business, veteran owned small business, women owned small business, HUB Zone, 8(a), small business). Interested parties MUST provide company/individual name, a capability statement, examples of same or similar work performed at other facilities, DUNS number and address, point of contact and social-economic. Interested Parties must also provide documentation such as certification and training for staff that demonstrates that they are an authorized solution distributor and/or authorized service technicians. Respondents who fail to provide the information request in the paragraph may be deemed non-responsive and incapable of meeting the government need. If contractor is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB), or any other special category of contractors, then contractor is responsible for providing documentation in support of this. This information will be used to determine the viability of a set aside for this requirement. If any of the requested information is not supplied with the response, this may result in the contractor not being considered in the Government s Procurement Strategy. The following information is required for determining procurement strategy and viability of sources: Set aside requirements have limitations on subcontracting and must be adherent to the Limitation on Subcontracting under FAR 19 and the Buy American Act (BAA) for commercial product procurements. This procurement is located in Brooklyn, New York and Jamaica, NY. Provide your supporting documentation to support your capability on adherence to Limitations on Subcontracting IAW FAR 19.505(b)(1) and VAAR 819.70 as prescribed in VAAR 852.219-75. If your intention is to subcontract work, what tasks will be performed by you as the prime contractor What tasks will require a subcontractor due to your inability to perform them within your company - Contractors shall also identify any Federal Supply Schedules that may carry the desired equipment or supplies. - Contractors shall identify pertinent point of contact for company, contractor DUNS number for size standard and socioeconomic verification in SAM and VIP, as well as for any intended subcontractors. - Contractor shall provide 2 to 3 instances of past experience which demonstrate that they are a firm regularly engaged in this type of work, to include letters from Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) if your firm is an authorized distributor. - Contractor shall provide a listing of any teaming agreements they intend to employ in the performance of this requirement if awarded. - Contractors shall include any relevant comments about the Attachment(s) if applicable. Statement of Work TITLE: Generator Annual Testing and Corrective Repair Service BACKGROUND: The Department of Veterans Affairs, New York Harbor Healthcare System Engineering Service seeks to acquire testing and annual service for fifteen (15) generators listed herein. All work will be performed in compliance with Joint Commission (JTC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 110 requirements. The Brooklyn campus and St. Albans CLC generators are designed to provide back-up electrical power during an unforeseen outage of the primary electrical source and minimize additional disruptions to critical services. SCOPE: The Contractor shall provide qualified maintenance labor, equipment, tools, materials, parts, supplies, transportation, supervision, any other items, and non-personal services deemed necessary to perform load bank testing services on the following fifteen generators and provide any corrective maintenance repairs on any issues identified: ST ALBANS CLC Equipment Location Make Model Serial No. PM Frequency Emergency Diesel Generators Bldg. 64 Boiler Plant Upper Level Caterpillar 300KW C9 CAT000C9E NGP00992 Annual Bldg. 64 Boiler Plant Lower Level Caterpillar 1000KW C32 JSJ03348 Annual Bldg. 174 (serves Bldg. 173 - Laundry) Caterpillar 750KW C27 2A300225 Annual Bldg. 167 (serves Bldgs. 85-87) Caterpillar 150KW D150-10 CAT00C71LL 7C00429 Annual Bldg. 88 (serves Commissary) Caterpillar 500KW C15 CAT00C15K NAP0599 Annual Bldg. 88 (serves Domiciliary area) Caterpillar 200KW D200-2 CAT00C71CE TG00540 Annual Bldg. 89 Basement Caterpillar 150KW D150-10 CAT00C71V L7C00430 Annual Bldg. 168 (serves Bldgs. 91-93) Caterpillar 150KW D150-10 CAT00C71A L7C00428 Annual Emergency Gas Generators Guard Shack (Police) Caterpillar 150KW DG 30-2 CAT00G30A NB W00138 Annual Pump Station Caterpillar 300KW G300LG 6 GXJ04856- OLY00000 Annual BROOKLYN CAMPUS Equipment Location Make/Rating Model Serial No. PM Frequency Emergency Diesel Generators Main Generator Main Generator Caterpillar 2025KW 3516B YAT00416 Annual Bldg. 4 (Engineering) A-Board Generator Caterpillar 2200KW 3516B 1HN00551 Annual Outpatient Clinic Generator OPC Generator Caterpillar 600KW 3508 23Z06777 Annual Building 14 (Data Center) Bldg. 14 Data Center Generator Caterpillar 400KW 3456 CER00472 Annual Building 13 Bldg. 13 Critical Care Generator MTU Onsite Energy 250KW 6R1600 DS250 16301004459 Annual TASKS: The Contractor must provide all labor and equipment to accomplish the task of annual load bank testing of fifteen generators and provide comprehensive reports upon completion. The Contractor must meet the Joint Commission s requirements for load banking testing as follows: 30% of nameplate rating for 2 hours, followed by 50% of nameplate rating for 1 hour, followed by 75% of nameplate ratings for 1 hour, plus warm up and cool down time for a total continuous run of 4 hours. The Contractor must keep a written record of each generator run. The Contractor report include the following readings: At 15-minute intervals, Lube Oil Pressure Water Temperature Exhaust Temperature Amperes Volts Frequency The report must contain certification statements that each generator was load bank tested in accordance with original equipment manufacturer s requirements. Contractor must provide a report of any corrective maintenance or repair services that will be needed to complete the load bank testing, should any arise. The Contracting Officer will review the report with the facility Point of Contact (POC) and make a determination as to a strategy to accomplish corrective repair and maintenance. Should the Contracting Officer determine that the best value to the government comes from allowing the Contractor to perform corrective maintenance and repair, then a price quote will be requested and the changes in work will be effected via a written modification from the Contracting Officer. No other person has the agency to authorize such a change. If these circumstances result in a need to extend the contract the agreed upon extension period will be included in a modification. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A post-award site visit must be conducted by the contractor to determine parking, pathways, and proper connections to the generator units. The Contractor must contact the maintenance supervisor of each site to schedule the load bank test and annual service. Supervisors contact information can be found under VA Engineering Service Point of Contact section herewith. Prior to starting the generators, the Contractor must perform a pre-run inspection to include checking the oil level, coolant level and a visual inspection of the motor/generator. The Contractor must furnish the load bank and make the necessary cable connections from the generator to the load bank. This may require parallel runs of cabling. In some locations, this may require barricades, safety cones or both. Work shall be conducted on weekdays (Monday through Friday), between 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Work shall not occur on Government holidays. The work performed shall not interrupt any power to the buildings identified in this Statement of Work. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: The generators listed in section C above are located at the following two locations: Department of Veterans Affairs New York Harbor Healthcare System Brooklyn Campus 800 Poly Place Brooklyn, NY 11209 Department of Veterans Affairs New York Harbor Healthcare System St. Albans CLC 179-00 Linden Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11425 All required deliveries are to be delivered to the warehouse/loading dock at the respective locations. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: The Annual Load Bank Testing service shall be completed within 30 days of notice of award. This requirement is a one-time service and does include option years. TYPE OF CONTRACT: The government anticipates award of a firm fixed-priced contract. SAFETY: All work shall comply with OSHA safety standards, Joint Commission (JTC), NFPA 110 and NFPA 70/NEC. CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS: The Contractor shall have safety training either on-the-job or classroom type in electrical safety outlined in the OSHA Standard 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910 Subpart S Electrical and NFPA 70E Standard of Electrical Safety in the Workplace. Training certifications shall be submitted to the VA Contracting Officer prior to work. If no training certificates are available, the Contractor s employer shall certify that the service technician has met this requirement and submit it to the VA Contracting Officer. ACCEPTANCE: VA personnel and Contractor personnel shall inspect the generators prior to the Contractor personnel leaving the facility. No invoices will be processed for payment in the absence of completion of the POC inspection. The Contractor shall provide a complete written report of the load banking for each generator. Information in the report shall have the following data: Company s name, address, telephone number and fax number. Name and signature of Contractors who performed the load bank. VA purchase order number or Contract Number. Date and time of work. Generator building number. Generator model, Engine model, Nameplate rating. The fifteen-minute interval log that was recorded during the load bank. Description of generator condition and any deficiencies, if any. WARRANTY: The contractor shall guarantee that all work performed will be free from all defects in workmanship and materials and that all services and repairs will provide the capacities and characteristics specified. The contract further guarantees that if, during a period of one year from the date of the certificate of completion and acceptance of the work, any such defects will be repaired by the Contractor at his/her own cost. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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RFP - Services FY24 1x - BK & SA Load Bank Testing

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