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Published March 25, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a parking garage in Easton, Pennsylvania. Working plans call for the renovation of a parking garage.

No bid received. Selected consultant shall be responsible for the following The selected consultant shall serve as the Construction Management representative and liaison to Northampton County from the design phase through project closeout. The Construction Manager shall ensure that the project progresses on time and within budget, and shall inspect and monitor construction to ensure compliance with the contract documents. The scope of work shall include, but not be limited to, the following tasks: Design Phase Attend bi-weekly meetings with representatives from Northampton County, and the Design Consultant (RFP Currently Advertised) to review current project status Conduct constructability reviews throughout the design process to ensure: i. The project can be constructed in a safe, efficient sequence that will minimize operational impacts to the County facilities and adjacent properties ii. Specified products and systems provide the best value and long-term performance within the available budget Run cost assessments and refine the project budget, identifying value engineering opportunities as needed to stay within budget Create a master project schedule outlining key dates and milestones, identifying long lead items, as well as developing scheduling contingencies and recovery strategies Assist with initial utility coordination efforts Establish a project site using web-based construction management software that will be accessed by all stakeholders for the duration ofthe project to log and track the status of all project drawings, submittals, RFCs, change orders, photographs, meeting minutes, etc... Assist the Design Consultant with developing QA/QC criteria and testing requirements to be incorporated into the bid specifications Review final bid plans and specifications to ensure the bid package is complete, and all items in the desired scope are accounted for and clearly delineated to a specific trade Northampton County is seeking the services of a Construction Manager for a proposed Parking Deck Replacement at the County Government Center in Easton. The selected firm shall serve as the County's Construction Manager as agent, and will provide assistance throughout the design, bidding and construction phases. The project is proposed to be constructed in one-single phase. During construction all on-site parking for County business will be shifted to adjacent County parking lots, and/or an off-site overflow lot as needed. Ensure that Certified Payroll reports align with the hours worked on daily reports and are in compliance with the approved prevailing wage rates The County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or parts thereof or items therein, and to waive technicalities required as deemed in the best interest of the County. Omission of any information may be sufficient cause for rejection of the proposal.

Final Planning

Parking Garage


Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Easton, PA

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RFP Construction Manager - Government Center Parking Deck Replacement

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