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Published March 12, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Durham, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Replacement of existing single-ply and bur roofs Question Due Tuesday, March 4, 2025 @ 12pm Durham Technical Community College encourages participation by MWBE firms and supports efforts to ensure and promote opportunities for minority businesses. SCOPE OF WORK 1. Work shall proceed in a continuous and orderly manner. Phased construction is unacceptable. 2. The Contractor shall strive to minimize disruption of the building operations and occupancy during remedial roofing activities and shall identify any proposed disruptions, including utilities or mechanical systems, prior to bidding and shall list them on the bid form. 3. The Owner will occupy the premises during the entire period of construction, to conduct his normal business operations. The Contractor must cooperate with the Owner to minimize conflict, and facilitate the Owner’s operations. The Contractor shall limit use of the premises for construction operations to allow for Owner Occupancy and Safety. 4. The Contractor shall provide sufficient qualified workmen and a supervisor, who shall be present at all times during the execution of the work, and who shall be familiar with the type of construction involved, and the materials and techniques specified. The Owner shall make no allowance for lack of skill of the workmen. 5. The Contractor shall provide his own temporary facilities and controls required for the performance of the project. Such items include, but are not limited to, utilities such as heat, water, electricity and telephone; sanitary facilities; Contractor’s facilities and enclosures; such as tarpaulins, barricades and canopies. 6. All equipment furnished by the Contractor shall comply with all pertinent safety requirements. 7. All temporary facilities are subject to the Owner’s approval. No signs or advertising of any kind shall be allowed on the project site unless approved in writing by the Owner. 8. Bidders shall be required to provide a Bid Bond equal to 5% of the total Base Bid, which is to be included in their proposal package. The successful Contractor shall provide a 100% Performance and Payment Bond prior to mobilization. The cost for this bond shall be included in his Base Bid. 9. The Contractor shall provide equipment for access to the roof. Other than emergencies, Contractor presence inside the building will not be allowed except as necessary during roof removal and clean-up. 10. The Contractor shall provide for debris removal services and containers. Placement and servicing of containers shall be coordinated with the Owner. Dust, dirt and debris created by the project shall be properly contained and controlled by the Contractor. Residue and debris from all operations shall not be allowed to accumulate on the project site. Debris shall be removed and disposed of regularly in accordance with all Federal, State and Local regulations. 12. The Contractor shall be responsible for proper storage of equipment, materials and devices by himself and/or his subcontractors and suppliers. The Contractor shall not store materials inside the building. All storage areas are subject to approval by the Owner. 13. The Contractor’s vehicles shall park in areas as directed by the Owner. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordination of traffic by his subcontractors, suppliers, etc., so as not to disrupt on-going operations of the Owner.




Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Renovation of Existing Single-ply And BUR Roofs

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