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Published June 11, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and renovation of a mixed-use development in Asheville, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility; for site work for a water / sewer project; road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

INVITATION FOR BIDS: Project 637-22-101 - Replace Main Water Loop Charles George VA Medical Center Asheville, NC See attachments for additional details Magnitude of Construction: Between $2,000,000 and $5,000,000 This is a Total (100%) SDVOSB Set-Aside NAICS: 237110 - Size Standard: $39.5 Million Contractors must be registered in the Vendor Information Page (https://www.vip.vetbiz.gov) at time of Bid submission to be eligible for award. Pre-Bid Site Visit - Date : 31 Mar 2022 - Time 1330hrs (1:30PM EDT) Location: Charles George VA Medical Center Outside the Main Entrance to Building 15 - Asheville Engineering Office (see attached Campus Map) 1100 Tunnel Road Asheville, NC 28805 Requests for Information (Questions) are due no later than Monday, April 11, 2022 at 8:00 AM EDT The Government affords no guarantee that questions (RFI's) submitted after the aforementioned date and time will be answered. Sealed Bids are due no later than the Date and time listed in Block 13 below. Bid Opening Location: Charles George VA Medical Center 1100 Tunnel Road Bldg 15 3rd Floor Conference Room - Asheville Engineering Office (see attached Campus Map) Asheville NC 28805 . The Contractor shall be responsible for the replacement of approx. 6,800 LF of subsurface Ductile Iron Pipe. The Contractor shall manage and perform construction period services as further defined in this Contract to include, but not limited to, permitting, demolition, construction, construction management, submittals, fixtures and equipment, scheduling, inspection and testing, environmental protection, alterations of existing construction, necessary removal of existing structures and strengthening of existing structural construction, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, hazardous material removal, utility systems, records (As-Built) drawings, and project closeout at the awarded Award will be made to the responsible bidder whose bid is deemed responsive to the terms of this invitation for bid and is deemed most advantageous to the Government. 2. All Bid preparation cost will be the sole responsibility of the Offeror. The Government will not reimburse any interested party for their proposal preparation expenses (costs) or any expenses (costs) associated with their Pre-Bid Site Visit attendance. 3. Electronic Bids Authorized - IAW FAR 14.202-7 The Contracting Officer has authorized Electronic Submission of Bids, only email submission is authorized. However, should an Offeror elect to submit their Bid electronically, it will be the sole responsibility of the Offeror to ensure that the bid is received, in its entirety, no later than 5:00 PM EDT one (1) day prior to the established Bid Opening Date identified. Bids received electronically that conform to this requirement shall be deemed responsive and read aloud during the Bid Opening. Electronic bids received after the aforementioned date & time (5:00PM, 1 day prior to Bid Opening) shall be deemed nonresponsive. Any offeror who elects to submit their Bid Electronically, accepts this term without prejudice. The Contracting Officer may, after the date set for bid opening, request the apparently successful offeror to provide the complete, original signed bid. Offers shall be submitted via email to Mr. Keith Hunter, Contracting Officer, at Keith.Hunter@va.gov and courtesy Copy Ms. Shirley Gregory, Contract Specialist shirley.gregory@va.gov no later than 5:00 PM EDT one (1) day prior to the established Bid Opening Date identified. Multiple emails may be required to submit all attachments. Format for Electronic submission (email) shall be as follows: IFB Number, Offeror Name, Email 1 of XX Additionally, the Email shall contain the list of attachment for each email submitted. Electronic documents shall be submitted in .pdf, .doc, or .xls and restricted to emails of less than less than 10MB as that is maximum single email size allowable. Communication containing documents in any other format may be blocked or stripped by the Government's server and may not be received by this office. Files in .zip format or file(s) exceeding 10MB may not be received by this office. It is the contractor's responsibility to verify that all submissions are received. 4. To assure timely and equitable evaluation of proposals, Offerors must follow the instructions contained herein. Offerors are required to meet all solicitation requirements, including terms and conditions, representations and certifications, and technical requirements. Failure to meet all requirements shall result in an offer being deemed non-responsive. Offerors must clearly identify any exception to the solicitation terms and conditions and provide complete accompanying rationale for consideration. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.

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Public - Federal

Paving, Renovation, Site Work

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1100 Tunnel Rd, Asheville, NC

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