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Published April 13, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a clubhouse / community center in Paducah, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 9,300-square-foot clubhouse / community center.

This Project will consist of Renovation to the Robert Cherry Civic Center and related improvements in full accordance with the Specifications and Plans. Work shall include, but not be limited to, selective demolition, masonry repair and construction, light gage metal framing, gypsum board, aluminum storefront and windows, interior and exterior doors, painting, plumbing, HVAC and electrical upgrades. Question Deadline 03/01/2023 at 3:00 PM CT Any Bidder having questions regarding any portion of the specifications, or may be in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the specifications, or finds discrepancies in or omissions from any part of the specifications, can submit a WRITTEN Jeff Canter, Project Architect Peck Flannery Gream Warren Inc. via email: jeff@pfgw.net A satisfactory Bid Bond executed by the bidder or a certified bank cashiers check in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the bid shall be submitted with each bid. No other forms of security will be accepted. Failure to submit a bid bond or certified bank cashiers check will result in disqualification of the bid. Shipping will be a Non-refundablecharge of $35.00 and can be paid by check, credit card or charged to your River City Printing account Bid Evaluation - Award of Contract After reasonable consideration of all bids received, a Notice of Award will be given to the responsible bidder who submits the responsive bid of the lowest evaluated bid price in accordance with the specifications. Contract Time: The Project Contract Time Period is Two Hundred Ten (210) consecutive calendar days. Liquidated Damages will be assessed at the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each consecutive calendar day thereafter until the Project is Completed. Preference to Kentucky Bidders In accordance with KRS 45A.365, prior to a contract being awarded, a resident bidder of the Commonwealth shall be given a preference against a non-resident bidder registered in any state that gives or requires a preference to bidders from that state. The preference shall be equal to the preference given or required by the state of the non-resident bidder. Equal Employment Opportunity The Contractor shall ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, religion, color, sex national origin, age or disability. Drug Free Workplace The City of Paducah has adopted a Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy in compliance with 803 KAR 25.280, in which drug and alcohol use and abuse in the workplace is prohibited. All contractors and subcontractors doing business for the City of Paducah shall adhere to this policy. Owners Rights Reserved No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of Sixty (60) days subsequent to the opening of bids. Bids will be awarded to the responsive and responsible bidder who submits the lowest evaluated bid price in accordance with the specifications after the application of any reciprocal preferences for Resident Bidders. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids in accordance with the City of Paducah's Code of Ordinances and the Project Specifications. Question Deadline 03/02/2023 at 5:00 PM CT

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Clubhouse / Community Centers


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March 8, 2023

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2701 Park Ave, Paducah, KY

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