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Site work and asbestos abatement for a multi-residential development in Hamilton, Ontario. Completed plans call for site work for a multi-residential development; and for asbestos abatement for a multi-residential development.

Bidders eligible to submit Bids for this Request for Tenders have been previously selected through the process of a Request for Prequalifications, issued under Contract C18-32-21 which closed on November 12, 2021. CityHousing Hamilton is inviting prequalified contractors to provide the Type 2 asbestos abatement of the textured ceiling finish in the stairs, corridors, lounge area, and select units at an occupied high-rise residential tower located at 555 Queenston Road in Hamilton. The abatement Work includes removing the existing textured ceiling finish, patching, leveling, and sanding the existing leveling coat so the surface is smooth, priming and painting the areas affected. Work is considered a Type 2 abatement where all Work is to be completed using handheld scrapers attached to a HEPA filtered dust collection device for removal and a sander with attached HEPA filtered dust collect device, to be utilized for sanding the leveling coat prior to primer and paint. Sealant is to be applied at the perimeter of the area for aesthetics. Localized areas of drywall ceiling are also to be abated and replaced. Bidders should also be aware of mould, present in select areas of the ceiling finish. However, the intention of this Project is not for mould removal outside the areas affected by the asbestos abatement. The site is a nine-storey high-rise building containing 200 housing units for seniors. The building is to remain occupied during construction with work hours limited to between 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Select units (18 units) are to be abated inside of the unit. The unit will be vacated for this Work and the Work will include moving services, such as personal possessions and furniture of these tenants to a vacant unit and back into their original unit after the Work is complete and the unit is cleaned. The Work will also include the responsibility for packing and moving the tenants belongings, as well as for security guards, required when the contractor is present in the tenant's unit for packing/moving. PT21-10 is CityHousing Hamilton's project reference number. Documents can be obtained at:




Public - City

Asbestos Abatement, Site Work

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555 Queenston Rd, Hamilton, ON

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