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Renovation of an office development in Lexington, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a office development.

The Finance Cabinet, Division of Engineering and Contract Administration (DECA) is seeking Integration services for system upgrades at KET (Kentucky Educational Television) to upgrade Master Control and Broadcast Infrastructure. This project includes: A. Master Control 1. Automation 2. Playout servers (including switching and graphics) 3. Traffic integration 4. KVM computer controls 5. Audio/video bypass switchers 6. Multi-viewer system 7. Supporting equipment (picture monitors, audio speakers, rasterizers and scopes, computer workstations, XD-CAM decks, furniture/consoles, racks) B. Broadcast Infrastructure 1. Video/audio router 2. LTO deep archive 3. Media Asset Management 4. Network edge switches 5. Virtual Server Environment 6. Conversion and distribution . The successful firm will need to submit the Performance and Payment Bonds and Insurance Certificate within 48 hours after Notice of Intent to Award. Proposing Firms should be prepared to accomplish this important submittal immediately after Notice of Intent to Award . It is the intention of this Request for Proposal (RFP), to enter into competitive negotiation as authorized by KRS 45A.085 and 200 KAR 5:307. Proposals for competitive negotiation shall not be subject to public inspection until negotiations between the purchasing agency and all offerors have been concluded and a contract awarded to the responsible offeror submitting the proposal determined in writing to be the most advantageous to the Commonwealth, price and the evaluation factors set forth in the advertisement and solicitations for proposals considered. An award of contract may be made upon the basis of the initial written proposals received without written or oral discussions. Contracts resulting from this RFP must be governed by and in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The Commonwealth reserves the right to request proposal amendments or modifications after the proposal receiving date. The contents of the successful proposal shall become part of any contract awarded. Any agreement or collusion among offerors or prospective offerors which restrain, tends to restrain, or is reasonably calculated to restrain competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price, or to refrain from bidding, or otherwise, is prohibited. Any person who violates any provisions of KRS 45A.325 shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by a fine not less than five thousand dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars, or be imprisoned not less than one year nor more than five years, or both such fine and imprisonment. Any firm, corporation, or association which violates any of the provisions of KRS 45A.325 shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than ten thousand dollars nor more than twenty thousand dollars. RFP 785 2300000181, 545-CA8T-2052-05 Deadline for questions (Step I): December 12, 2022




Public - State/Provincial

LEED Certification, Renovation





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600 Cooper Dr, Lexington, KY

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