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Saving Project...

Published July 27, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Salyersville, Kentucky. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

The Eddie Prater site is located at 565 Roanne Road in Salyersville, KY, 41465. Eddie's slide is located at coordinates Lat 37 36 ' 49.18", Long 83 02' 15.48". On November 12, 2021 a portion of the hillside at Eddie Prater's residence became unstable and slid down the hill side. The slide area is approximately 250 feet by 141 feet. Eddie Prater is concerned about the slide moving and the trees falling on his outside building. Also, he is concerned about the safety of the county road above the slide blocking the home on the hill, if the slide is not addressed. To address this concern, the slide area will be stripped to bedrock to remove the threat of more sliding. Once the two outside buildings are moved closer to the cabin above the side area. All excavated earthen material will be placed in an offsite waste area (abandoned sediment pond.) A temporary low water crossing will be installed on the property, to access the slide as shown on the plan view. Sub drains will be constructed along the two coal seams and extended to the creek to drain the water off the slide area and Eddie's property. Work will be done on the Roanne Road going off on to Roanne Spur Road to allow for the trucks to turn around as shown on the plan view. Roanne Spur Road will be used to access the slide area from the top. Roanne Spur Road will be moved back on to solid rock, due to the slide area under cutting it. Guard railing and guard lagging will be used to stabilize Roanne Spur Road and protect the landowner. The cost estimate for this work includes plan quantity for the earthwork and additional items for site prep, revegetation, and roadway stone for the county roads included in the cost estimate. In total, the project area encompasses approximately 2.0 acres behind the house of Eddie Prater as marked on the plans. All trees and root balls will be burned on Eddie Prater's property. This project will directly disturb the stream, but no permit is needed for temporary low water crossing to access the slide. This project will not address underground mine openings. Trees (1.0 acre) will be disturbed outside of the unstable landslide area; Bat Fund Mitigation will be utilized for this project. All areas disturbed by this project will be revegetated by means of the Standard AML Reclamation Seed Mixture. A quantity of Hydro mulching/Hydro seeding has been included to address revegetation of suitable portions of the landslide area following excavation. Cover crop is also provided in order to provide quick vegetative cover on any disturbed areas that will go undisturbed for at least two weeks, but not be ready for application of permanent revegetation. Sediment control will be provided by silt fences or straw bales along the Creek bank and other areas as needed. Estimated Length of Project: (Substantial Completion) + 120 Calendar Days (Final Completion)

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Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

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July 26, 2022

July 27, 2022


565 Roanne Rd, Salyersville, KY

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