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Site work and renovation of a water / sewer project in Mora, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

631 Maple Avenue East, Mora, MN 55051. Est. Value: $ 600,000.00. State Project Number LS3807 AS/SVE System Installation in Mora, MN This project is Targeted Group/Economically Disadvantaged/Veteran-Owned (TG/ED/VO) certified small business preference and has a 2% TG/ED/VO subcontracting goal.> A. The work will done under one prime contract that includes: General, Electrical, and Mechanical construction. B. The following summary is a general guide to the scope of work. It should not be construed as a detailed list of work included in the contract. 1.) Install new remediation and monitoring wells: Fifteen (15) 2-inch diameter PVC air sparging (AS) wells; Twelve (12) 4-inch PVC soil vapor extraction (SVE)wells; three (3) 1-inch diameter PVC diameter vacuum monitoring (VMP) points; four (4) 2-inch diameter PVC pressure monitoring (VP) points; and four (4) 2-inch diameter steel monitoring wells. Each remediation and monitoring well will require at-grade protection with manhole canisters (8 or 10-inch diameter, 12-inches long). 2.) Seal existing well AS-2 (MDH Unique ID 817616). Existing well AS-2 completion depth is 40 feet. 3.) Furnish and install air sparging (AS) equipment and approximately 2,200 feet of 1-inch conveyance lines in an estimated 5-foot wide, insulated trench with 3-inches of uniform sand bedding. 4.) Furnish and install soil vapor extraction (SVE) equipment and approximately 1,750 feet of 2-inch conveyance lines in an insulated trench with 3-inches of uniform sand bedding. 5.) Stockpile, load and haul an estimated 25 tons of impacted soil to an approved landfill. 6.) Provide and place equipment housing shed, with electrical utility connection. 7.) Connect system appurtenances to a total of seventeen (17) air sparge wells [15 new AS wells, and 2 existing air sparge wells ("MP-1" and "AS-1")], and thirteen (13) soil vapor extraction (SVE) wells [twelve (12) new SVE wells and one (1) existing SVE well ("SVE-1")]. For the three (3) existing remediation wells ("MP-1", "AS-1", and "SVE-1"), assume that the existing protection and manhole canisters will be removed/discarded. 8.) 8. Provide system manuals and startup assistance.


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Renovation, Site Work





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631 E Maple Ave, Mora, MN

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